I have no dream

I have no dreams
And I don't wanna hear your voice.
I have no tears -
You made me cry, when you were close
To me these days.
You stole my reasons, that I lived.
You have no space -
That's why I felt, that you don't feel.

It's just like you:
Don't sing, don't paint, don't read books
And even news.
Closed like a shell, you're a wounded man.
And I refused
To live your life - I don't regret.
I shouldn't rely
Upon you and shouldn't believe.

I'm not afraid
This cause, that now I have no dream...
Revive afresh -
And I believe, I will, I will.
Huh, will you sad?
I hope, you won't, I know, you'll smile.
And I won't mad,
With all your words, I won't be shy.

If you are mine,
I set you free - now you can go.
I wanna fly -
Just without you - and nothing more.
I disagree
With you and goals, that you esteem...
And I leave you -
It means, that now I have a new dream.

Понравилось! Обыграл слово "mine", оно многозначно. Заходите в гости, у меня тоже на аглицком языке есть стихи.

I am a miner - you are mine,
The deeper dig - the better fine.


Михаил Солдатов   30.06.2012 00:04     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за приглашение, Михаил :) Буду рада

Анира Аль-Накиб   30.06.2012 01:02   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.