Whenever Whatever

Whenever in your life
You have a moment of despair -
You feel a sense of loss and sorrow
                and forever
A great interrogative mark
Will follow every thought and action,
And doubt, fear, condemnation
Accompany you in your life...

Whatever in your life
You have as purpose or a dream -
It usually falls apart the moment
                you achieve it...
Create a new one - otherwise
The sense of life escapes,
And fly among the seventh skies
Enjoying blissful pains...

This situation is a kind of norm
For those who dared to crush the wall
And those who faced the wall and gave up
Must reappraise their values rising up from failure

Олег Артынов   28.08.2011 03:08     Заявить о нарушении
A failure is meant to teach us somehow,
But backfiring plans are not rare now.
And shallow seem values of nowadays' youth -
They don't have great goals,they don't crush the walls...

Натали Григоренко   28.08.2011 16:40   Заявить о нарушении
Кстати, спасибо за визит и мысли вслух!

Натали Григоренко   28.08.2011 16:47   Заявить о нарушении