That s how I married

That's how I married:

there was a guy from Newcastle here in Xian when I came, Robert Bonatti, already living, studying Dao, I met him at a Sunday brunch in one of the central local hotels, he invited me to his place and his girlfriend was a classmate with Lily's elder sister, they have come together. And I came too. I looked at Lily and liked her, especially toes on her feet, then said:

- I should invite you for a drink, I guess.

She was awesome:

- I will drink more than you could!

My Caucasian blood went into my face, me grandfather was Armenian from Karabakh, after war lived in Pyatigorsk.

- Let's do it!

This is how it all started...

So, I am married for 10 years, I suppose. Non-officially. Officially - eight.

От кого Roger_Wright@эмейл.net
Кому Grant Grantov <эмейл>
Когда Дополнительно
1 августа 2011 в 20:29
That's a good tale! You are a lucky man!

From: Roger P Wright

Ивановский Ара   02.08.2011 20:14     Заявить о нарушении