July Morning

A Fortune-Telling Song

Let this morning be sunny and quiet
Let the people around follow suit
That’s what is, at this moment, required
For the newborn who’s noisy but cute

On its head, there’s no vegetation
Let alone any pigtail or curl
Only after an investigation
You can tell - what you see is a girl

Even though not entirely Irish
She’ll be certainly stubborn and strong
And her temper at times will be fire-ish
And you’d suffer when proving this wrong

In the darkness that’s empty but scary
She’ll be dreaming of something that’s nice
And will grow unbelievably caring
For all beasts - be it kittens or mice

She’ll be writing her own children’s stories
Guilty of and accountable for
Both her joys and her motherly worries
Multiplied and divided by four

She is sure to get into trouble
Wanting out but not knowing how
Many castles will tumble to rubble
Unavoidably so, but for now -

Let this morning be sunny and quiet
Let the people around follow suit
That’s what is, at this moment, required
For the newborn who’s noisy but cute
