this song is about litle Mexican town

Mariachi ,
It was little town on the way,
It was little town on the way,
It was little town on the way,
It was little town on the way,
Let's run it down!
             To the ground .
Some body says

Desert storm when the travelers arrived 
To postponed 
   What was called 
Native  Traditions 
Of the litle mexican town 

O eh 
That was storm all around
When the preachers  came

What you people doing hear all day?
Having your own way?
Thas what 
      The  preachers say!
Let's forget who you are!
And run it down.

It was a desert storm year around.
Little  mexican city.
       That got wiped out!

When the strangers came,
And that's what the strangers say!
It a city "all right"
But it seams on the way,
Of the rail road stray. 
Let's build the rail ways someone says!
And the forest got cut down.
Building highway trough town.

And thats how the little Mexican town 
Got wiped out.

And then the preacher  prayed,
This is time   to Prich around,
When the Mexican city
          Turned into grave.
that's how Mexican city got wiped out.

The rail- rout long,
                   like a snake
Crawling true the town,
It was desert storm when the preacher  came
And the little mexican town
             got wped out.
That's what they say anyway.
Children running around,
On the hallow graves.
It was city strays the got wiped - out. 

Touch some  cactus preacher  say,
Let's forget those natives way!
You got to move out!
And then we burn it to the ground,
Forget you culture 
  preacher prayed!
             right now.
This toun is on our way!
And it got to be wiped out!
From the map
Where the rail rod blades,
Are running down.

That's how the Mexican town
Got wiped - out,
  Lost in a desert storm,
It was pretty day,
When the  preacher came,
To run it down, to the ground.

Where the children rome around,
Now it's a grave yard,
                     old man says,
It a tombstone,
And the city newer found
