Lullaby колыбельная

«Good night»,-said a fluffy bear,
lying on your bad, «Good night».
Good night, please don't be afraid my dear
 and don't be sad, good night
Good night, you'll embrace me hard,
your tears will make me wet, don't cry!
Good night, close your eyes
and then imagine you're somewhere, on the clouds...
For all the mothers, singing songs to their children,
For all the boys and girls that are so sad
Remember every time you close your eyes
You can be free and nothing will be bad!!
Make your dreams your own world
Where nobody can hurt you
Calm your heart, lull your soul,
Every night you can discover something  new...
Sweet dreams, close your eyes...Good night! Go-od ni-i-ight...

примерно 2009 - 2010 год

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