Я шагаю к своим Богам...

Я шагаю по облакам
Я помазанный Небесами
Я шагаю к своим Богам
Я шагаю под парусами...

Настроенье мох шагов
Отражает желанье - это
Средь теней и потоков света
И средь разных,- иных Миров...

Обгоняя теченья лет
И отбросив свои сомнения
Из тумана и из затменья
Я шагаю на этот свет...

Путь Мой,- вечная Даль Веков
Бог Мой,- этих веков даритель...
Я шагаю среди,- Ветров
Упоения, - расхититель...

Я навстречу иду судьбе
Бесшабашным,широким шагом
Я несу на крутом плече
Поднебесьев упавших Благо...

Я иду,из Иной Страны...
Из страны,я иду,-прозренья...
И напором Живой волны
Я с собой приношу волненья...

К неопознанным берегам
С распустившимися крылами
Я шагаю по облакам...
Я помазанный Небесами...

I walk by clouds,
I, - anointed by Heavens,
I walk under sails,
I walk to my Gods ...
And the mood of my steps,
Reflects my desires,
Amidst light streams and shadows,
Amongst other and various Worlds….

And overtaking current years,
And once, forgetting all my doubts,
From cloudy mist, and from an eclipse,
I'm stepping down to this World!
My path, - Eternal Far of Ages,
My God, - A Giver of the Earth,
I slowly walk amongst strong winds,
I,- plunderer of sacred Bliss….

I am going towards my Fate,
By the reckless and flying, - wide steps,
And I bear on my steep shoulders,
Holy Blessings of fallen Skies….
I am coming from other country...
From the Promised, Enlightened Land…
And by pressure of Living Wave,
I am bringing with me excitements...

To unknown shores,
And by wide spread wings,
I walk by clouds,
I, - anointed by Heavens….

Translated by: Estella Dadasieva--Minas

I am marching across the clouds
I am kissed by holy heavens
I am going to my Gods
I am floating under sails.

Steps' direction wherever it goes
Is reflecting a great desire
In a shadow and in light's fire
And in different various worlds.

Taking over a flow of years
Getting rid of my own doubts
Out of darkness and fogs around
I approach this world of ours

And my path is eternal distance
Ages passing - by God are gifted
I am marching through winds' resistance
Got inspired , in extasy- lifted

I am going to meet my Fate
In a careless widely way
Solid shoulders can carry weight
Goodness fallen from heavens one day

I am going from other land
I am leaving the land of enlightment
And the waves are becoming so grand
By the rush of my soul's excitement.

I am flying to novel shore
Open my wings with broad wavings
I am marching on clouds... I go
I am blessed by His Grace on Heavens...

Translated by: Larissa Kazachenko
