Lost in Lust

                Кто я - частица праха!..
                Жуковский Перевод трагедии "Кромвель"
Who am I? - only scent of dust
That oveflows thy forehead like sun beam.
I'm only actor lose in every cast
Or a rose red from whom we not esteem.

My eyes are clear to every sight
I match in my serenest hue,
And with subdued image thow combinest
I am  such perfect like an autumn dew.

Let fairy to be fair - Let thou be loose!
So vindication I compell a moment
When all my guilty that opressed through
My life shall miss their own garment.

And th'winter clouds arose the sky,
Till storm are stopping every prayers -
My soul find its way going by
The both Abysses - fairest and dreariest.
