Машина Времени - Синяя птица. A bird of luck


We have walked often such a distance
That cannot be repeated yet,
Been in ambush for years with persistence
Disregarding the chill and sweat.
We do not drown ever in water.
We do not burn even in flame.
We are hunters who don’t slaughter
For a bird of the luck and fame.
It is said - that’s what happened lately -
That this bluebird has gone for good.
And it doesn’t exist innately
Since the creature has no root.
It is said that it’s left forever,
No trace in a native land.
But I’m telling you with endeavor
That this notion has no stand.
The bluebird’s fairytale won’t  be finished.
Just in light of the present trend
With the effort of force undiminished
Stalkers grow in great extent.
It’s become nowadays very cautious
To save freedom from strangers’ hands.
All attempts to catch are ferocious
Due to pricey highest demands.
It’s become at this time quite scared.
Poachers are all over the land.
No one’s  - as it seems  - well prepared
To successfully go ahead.
If you sneak up it will deceive you.
It’ll beckon while already gone.
In an instance it will just leave you
With a myth of the magic swan.
We have walked often such a distance
One can hardly imagine yet,
Been in ambush for years with persistence
making almost unreal bet.
We do not drown ever in water.
We do not burn even in flame.
We are hunters who don’t slaughter
For a bird of the luck and fame.
