The miracle

You came and changed my life so fast
You seemed to be so true, my last
The feelings, words and songs together
The moments that are true forever.

Not fearing what the future holds
I trusted in your verey word
Forgetting all and everyone
You were my own, my number one.

I knew in theory the things:
The dates, the kisses and the rings
All seemed to be so good and real!
You made me smile, you made me feel.

I loved you as a baby boy
For you were honest, pure and coy
You saw in me that little girl
You chnaged my tiny lonely world.

The sunshine came as you stepped in
I was so happy as I've never been
How come that now it is like past
No tear is lifet and now I must
Go on with all I have obtained
Smile on my face and heart in pain.
