Too drunk to drive with haiku III

like u-boat bobbles
germs are in heaven

where your private slings
kernel trolls in a nutshell
need matches teddy

sluts like slots to play
lush flirtini on the rocks
life flashes through bars

zip code to unzip
bar code to stay straight in lines
decrypting last bash

dight for your battle
the spit and image of dogs
dig a dignity 

caterpillar treads
crazy as a betsy bug
slugs don’t chase rainbows

private dish the dirt
don’t give me a dirty look
words take a dirt nap

bradley is tanked up
can’t tread water in the drink
being the worth for wear

do not soldier on
plankton for a turkey shoot
cannon fodder stews

can’t undo my dos
double do stands for dodos
do away with mines

July 1, 2011
