Inevitable Fall

I am trapped in the mechanized society,
Where everyone obeys unwritten laws.
A well-programmed structure is reality
Which transforms human lives into TV shows.

I can speak about its imperfection,
I pray to send us a new messiah.
But I only see my miserable reflection
Realising that I’m just an idealistic liar.

Truth, hope, feelings are killed inside
Only given drugs can keep me under control.
Love, emotions, mind can’t fight
It all leads me to an inevitable fall.

Deaf and blind people surround me every day
Still believing in the perfect world order.
But I hear a slight whisper of upcoming decay
Trying not to reach the madness border.

And now I’m lying on the main square,
People are starring at me and they don’t realise
Why I’ve shot myself and how I dare
To declare war to their charming paradise…
