
A lonely kid goes far in the dark,
Distant voices can't reach his ears.
This journey will leave its mark,
Revealing hidden, unbelievable fears.

He must go farther, no turning back
Though the mist is getting thick.
He feels someone's breath on his neck,
He is bewildered, tired and sick.

His cry of despair is drowned in silence,
Hot unstoppable tears turns into ice.
Under fascinating delusions guidance
He instinctively turned his eyes on vice.

The slight whisper shows him the way,
Ignoring prays of his exhausted soul.
He is getting weak, they make him obey
To end this torture and to lose control.

All these sufferings make his heart beat,
He listens to sirens lying in his cage,
And all the void will ultimately retreat,
Soon or later he will take revenge...
