Голубой вагон по-английски

Композитор Вл. Шаинский, слова Э. Успенского, из м/ф "Шапокляк"

Slowly minutes swim from us away

Don’t expect be met with them again

Though, we feel about th’past a bit regret

The best things, of course, are ahead.

Our far way moves away without delay,

gets lost and does fly in the dome of’sky.

Everyone believes in the best future things,

the blue carriage wheels, wheels and wheels

Maybe we brought vainly t’ anyone regrets,
Calendar will leave behind these sheets.

We aspire to new adventures, friends,

Hej, pick up the speed, o, machinist!


The blue carriage runs and ’s like a baby dandled

The fast train is reaching th’ full ahead

Oh, why comes this day to it’s end?..

Let it be for ages spread!

