Колыбельная медведицы по-английски

муз. Крылатов Е. / сл. Яковлев Ю., из м/ф "Умка"

With the spoon snow drilling
big night is walking really,
why don’t sleep you, my silly?
Your neighbors are asleepping close,
white bears, of course,
sleep and you near, my dear.

Through gray seas we float
likewise on a boat
on the block of the ice,
and through all the night
neighbors-Bears light
for distant ships with stars.

Господа, не судит строго, сама знаю, что это не совсем английский перевод.

By a spoon snow drilling,
A big night is coming nearer...
Why you, my child silly,
Don't sleep?
Look, the white big bears
Sleep in neighbour beds here...
Let you fall asleep, my dear.

We do float further
On the cold ice floe,
As on the great ship farther
In sea.
And in night white bears
Shine to their neighbours,
Shine to distant ships, my dear.

Людмила 31   15.06.2011 14:19     Заявить о нарушении
wow! Nice... Thank You so much!

София Хлебус   16.06.2011 02:53   Заявить о нарушении
Best wishes! :);)

Людмила 31   16.06.2011 07:32   Заявить о нарушении