Between the Lines

What is happening between us
Not a full stop is but dots:
Victims of Cupid and Venus,
We’re creating our plots.

Our words in verse are fair,
But we know they are but signs:
We don’t show our feelings there,
Hiding them between the lines.

31 May 2011

Елена, у Вас здесь слишком много синтаксических ошибок, не говоря уже об излишне точной, до примитивности, рифмовке.
"Verse" should be plural here. And IS in the first sentence must be in front of "not a full stop", not behind.
I am not here to discourage you though; - if you need an ear more accustomed to authentic tongue, you could always ask me to have a closer look when I'm around.
Best of luck.

Вселенная Чёрного Георга   24.09.2011 18:00     Заявить о нарушении
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