
Мне сегодня приснилась,
Лестница в небеса,
Где ступени - облака...

This all illusion,
Made of maya
We can`t repeat,
Please don`t deny it
No need in possibility

I don`t want to fall in love with you again
And sacrifice with all that pain
It still hearts inside of me
Pleas baby, let me free
Don`t touch me, don`t call me
Could it be?

But we are lovers again,
Such a sweet pretty kiss,
And you callin` me baby,
I don`t want you to miss
Can you see?

Your lips on my hips,
My hands on your skin,
We are lovers again, it`s true
Let it be.

Может с ошибками...

lovers are lovers
And hips are hips
Lips over lover's
It's good indeed

Kisses differ kisses
So do the people
Have you way missed?
Try your soul listn'ng...

Без ошибок.

Лектор   08.03.2012 21:52     Заявить о нарушении