Купите фиалки! Перевод на английский
Words by Yacobbi, music by Vietti.
Translated by Zinovy Korovin
Buy violet flowers,
blooms from the hill’s forest,
just right for your house,
not bright, rather modest.
They have breath of young spring,
they have petals that swing
under sunbeams of April’s young day.
And my tender song’s words
will appear like birds
flying, bringing the warm to your way.
Please buy many days long
bouquet of your hope
and listen my spring’s song
in front of your home.
I came down from hills
to your dale of rain spills
under April’s young sun from above.
Those flowers I sold
sang you words which have told
of the happiness, life and true love.
Buy violets now –
before our parting
I can’t anyhow
continue my coming.
Soon, by this coming spring
I will get wedding rim,
and will come with my flowers no more.
Only this song of mine
will appear alive
like my violet flowers before.
Edited 02-9-2017
Buy violet flowers, blooms from the hill's forest,
just right for your house, not bright, rather modest.
They have breath of young spring,
they have petals that swing
under sunbeams of April’s young day.
And my tender song’s words
will appear like birds
flying, bringing the warm to your way.
Buy violets gladly, bouquet of your hope,
and listen my spring’s song in front of your home.
I came down from hills
to your dale of rain spills
under April’s young sun from above.
Those flowers I sold,
sang you words which have told
of the happiness, life and true love.
Buy violets now – last time as I’m coming.
I’m sorry, I won’t bring bouquets that are cunning.
Soon, by this coming spring
I will get wedding rim,
and will come with my flowers no more.
Only this song of mine
will appear alive
like my violet flowers before.
April 2008, New Jersey, USA
Песня из итальянского к-ф "Дорога"
Слова Якобби, Музыка Виетти
Купите фиалки, фиалки лесные!
Скромны и неярки, но словно живые.
В них дыханье весны,
лепестки их полны
юным солнцем апрельского дня.
Так, явившись едва,
нежной песни слова
полетят вас согреть от меня.
Купите фиалки, букетик лиловый,
весеннюю песню послушайте снова.
Под лучами апреля
спускалась я с гор
к вам в долину с корзиной цветов.
Я цветы продавала
и вам напевала
про счастье, про жизнь и любовь.
Купите фиалки прощальной весною, –
как жаль, что не встретитесь больше со мною:
Я под солнцем апреля
в грядущем году
вновь с фиалками к вам не приду...
Будет в сердце у вас
моя песня жива,
не забудутся эти слова.
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