Ушла. Но гиацинты ждали... -пер. А. Блока

She's gone. But hyacynths were waiting,
And hasn't waked the window's holes,
In light folds of the shawl of woman
The silence in the night was blossoming.
In slanting beams of evening dust -
I know - you will come again
To captivate and to inebriate me thus
With sweet Nil lily's smell.
I'm familiar with such a weak hand,
With whispering and quiet talking,
With languor of a harmonious waist,
With light matte of your shoulders sloping.
And in your name I see- immensity,
The red twilight of your

deep eyes
Conceals in it a snake's fidelity
And legends of the stormy nights.
And to the real world subjected,
Among the others - you are unaware, true,
In what belief you're christened yet,
What cares you belong to.
Come in, without a suspision
About inner will, and kindly look in eyes,
With dark look of the sharp pain beam
The living heart do cut.
And creep to me as coiling snake,
And deafen me in midnight,
With lips languid torment me well,
With your black hair strangle mine.

Людмила 31   12.05.2011 15:48     Заявить о нарушении
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