Клён - из С. Есенина. Перевод на англ
You, my naked maple, that in icy show,
why do you bend down under winter’s blow?
Either saw you something, or have heard a sound?
Like you left a village just to walk around.
And as drunken watchman walked onto the road,
sunk in drifts of snow, froze his foot by roam.
I’m, as well, somehow got myself unstable:
can not reach my home, drunk, off my friend’s table.
Here I met a willow, there I hugged a pine-tree,
sang to them of summer by the blizzard’s wild spree.
It’s seemed I resembled this appeared maple,
but not free of foliage, rather, – green and stable.
I became like stupid, drunk or drugged teenager,
hugged a birch with passion as a wife of stranger.
Translated by Zinovy Korovin
December 5, 2008, New Jersey, USA
Сергей Есенин
Клён ты мой опавший, клён заледенелый,
Что стоишь, нагнувшись под метелью белой?
Или что увидел? Или что услышал?
Словно за деревню погулять ты вышел.
И, как пьяный сторож, выйдя на дорогу,
Утонул в сугробе, приморозил ногу.
Ах, и сам я нынче чтой-то стал нестойкий,
Не дойду до дома с дружеской попойки.
Там вон встретил вербу, там сосну приметил,
Распевал им песни под метель о лете..
Сам себе казался я таким же клёном,
Только не опавшим, а вовсю зелёным.
И, утратив скромность, одуревши в доску,
Как жену чужую, обнимал берёзку.
Свидетельство о публикации №111050801229
You, my naked maple, that in icy show,
why do you bend ((SHAKING? TWISTING?)) down under winter’s blow?
Either you saw ((SAW YOU)) something, or you heard some ((HAVE YOU HEARD A SOUND)) sound?
((AS IF YOU..))Like you left a village just to walk around.
And as a drunk ((DRUNKEN)) watchman walked onto ((OUT ONTO))the road,
sunk in drifts of snow, froze his foot by roam. ((GREAT!!!))
Oh, I’m too, ((I'M, AS WELL, SOMEHOW GOT SOMEWHAT UNSTABLE)) /// I'M ASLO LATELY...))for now, somehow ((SOMEWHAT)) unstable:
can not reach my home, drunk, of ((OFF))my friend’s table.
Here I (I'VE MET A...))met the willow, there I ((TEASED A..))saw the pine-tree,
sang to them of summer by the blizzard’s wild spree. ((PERFECT!!!))
It’s seemed I resembled the appeared maple, ((???))
but not free of foliage, rather ((, - )) green and stable.
I became like stupid, drunk or drugged teenager,
hugged a birch with passion as a wife of stranger.
Геннадий Сакс 09.05.2011 00:12 Заявить о нарушении