Heavenly Abel

Heavenly Abel

Fire of sapphires, earnest and passionate,
 the shining of lightning of Your faith,
 Your love like the sword
From Your lips…
That, who drained Your breath,
And heard the beating
Of Your heart -
the melody of crystal silence...
 You broke the heart against molten stones,
 The grain fell in the abyss of waters…
In the ground and the dust Your soul
Is the beautiful garden,
Where my heavenly Abel had died…
 The roots of trees sprout from Your body
  in self-forgetful day, not seeing the tomb…
  Your temple, chrism-secreted cedar,
Is balm to blood of the sacred wounds…
Let’s come to Me, My soul,
Having drained love among the thorns…
I’ll heal by you
The vital pain…
The broken goblets of Cana of Galilee;
Last wine in My crown of thorns
Is plucked by the crimson flowers…
I died to give them life
And go to the Father’s temple like
To the mountain Carmel…
