My tiger

A packet of cigarettes, a bottle of wine,
 A little of sadness, but I'm all right.
 I miss you, my tiger, I'm thinking of you,
 I need nobody, I need only you.

 You are my tiger, I'm your cat,
 You're in my heart, you're in my head.
 Maybe it's strange, but you are the only,
 Don't forget me, please sometimes call me.

 You are so faraway, I'm alone.
 Only cigarette smoke, the time is so long,
 A bottle of wine and much recollections...
 You are my life, you're my satisfaction.

 I need your look, your laugh, your touch,
 I need you, darling, very much!
 You are the best, you drive me mad,
 Remember me...
                Your little cat.
