Why cats wash themselves after eating
Группа учащихся исполняет песенку с движениями
Boys and girls, are we rude?
Are we lazy, boastful, too?
We suppose that we are not,
That we are good and can do a lot.
I myself, you yourself, he himself and she herself,
It itself, we ourselves, you yourselves and they themselves.
Every morning wash yourselves,
Try to make your beds yourselves.
Learn yourselves to make good tea
And to wash the dishes after meals.
I myself, you yourself, he himself and she herself,
It itself, we ourselves, you yourselves and they themselves.
When you are hungry and want to eat
Wash yourselves before the meal.
Try to do it every day,
Your tasty dinner won’t run away.
(появляется кот )
Cat: Sorry, but we, cats, don’t wash ourselves before eating. We wash ourselves after eating.Do you want to watch a play about it?
(группа учащихся):Yes, we do.
(Во время музыкальной заставки группа учащихся уходит со сцены, появляется кот Барсик и исполняет рэп:)
Cat: I am a cat, my name is Barsic.
I want to eat somebody or something.
I enjoy milk, and butter, and cream.
Meat and fish you can give me to eat.
I am so hungry, so hungry indeed. (видит птичку)
What fine breakfast now I can see. (прячется)
Bird: I am a bird, my name is Old Tim.
I hope to find some seeds to eat.
(В поисках семян птичка не замечает кота, который ее ловит)
Oh, Mr. Cat, please, let me go.
I must find food and fly home.
Cat: Please, don’t sing silly songs for me.
You are my tasty breakfast, Old Tim.
Bird: What did you say? You can’t do that.
Cat: I can. Remember I am a cat.
Bird: I wonder, have you washed your face?
Cat: What do you mean? Wash my face?
Bird: People can teach us how to be good.
They wash themselves before thеy eat food.
Cat: Oh, I forgot, but I think it’s not late.
I shall wash myself, you stand here and wait.
I shall wash as people do.
Where is the bird?
Old Tim, where are you?
(Кот ищет птичку, которая убежала, машет рукой в отчаянии и говорит в зал:)
Well, let people do as they like, but I am never going to wash myself before eating.
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