The sky is high

1) I was broken so many times
Felt like being not strong enough
Lying helpless, abandoned by all,
Having nothing to keep me go.

But then I realized
I'm smart and nice, I have strong will,
I am wise, I'm more than twice
Better than my enemies.

Ch: And I walk on my life road
With my head held high.
And I'm fighting against all odds,
And I can fly, my sky is high!

You can hate me, you can love me -
It's up to you,
But I'll keep reaching the picks,
Believe it's true!

2) And after years, when I'm mature
And there're laugh lines up my face,
They will be torn, but I'll have all,
There will be reached all of my goals.


Br: Remember, baby, you're firework, -
Just like in Katy Perry's song.
You have to fight
For shining bright,
You have your all,
Your sky is high!
