
Dull prose slip in monologues
I, as always, a little bit, "not all there",
Are familiar little sad
The neighbor's cooking cabbage
You're leaving ...

Any language you speak, do you want?

All is well, you're not sick?
Neither I, nor anything more ..
Cry, my dear, in silence
I am saving you.
Wild, noisy swans.
Oh, dear, I do not like bird calls.
Disturbing glare in your eyes black
No, my dear, all is well, ... you are not sick ..
Neither I, nor anything more ...

I will not pluck the calendar sheets
Gilded time
Okolocheny all bridges
Where the river runs
Forgive me, I can not leave
Too late now - shut the door
Darling, do not ask, do not scream in silence
Swans always
Alone and do not spill water.

I also know the notes;
Little by little, learning to be music
That caresses the ear,
long after midnight,
in your eyes the color-June night
a diffident, and at the same time, the exact

I used to
to your mistakes
to your problem has already been quite a while
because I drink with my martini
they are accustomed

but no thanks. just - hello.
thine eyelids
thy used phrases
b thy secrets
this ....)

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