Gold sword

Gold sword
the author Constantine Alexandrovich [Kedrov]
From the collector “poetic space”. Source: Constantine [Kedrov]. Poetic space. M., “Soviet writer”, 1989

If there would be a magic mirror, into which it is possible to look, simultaneously creating our face, we would see the celestial sphere in it.

Today we know that entire universe is pierced by the waves of the harmonic correspondences between the macro- and the microcosm, between man and space. “The structure of physical peace is not separated from the inhabitants, who observe it, in the most fundamental sense… There is a certain principle, which achieves an improbably thin fine adjustment of the universe. But this is physical, but [antropnyy] principle”, writes cosmologist [P]. Davis in the book “the random universe”.

This is how perceives this “improbably thin space fine adjustment” Alexander [Blok]:

“At the bottomless depths of the spirit, where the man ceases to be man, at the depths, inaccessible for the state and the society… roll the acoustic waves, similar to the waves of ether, [obemlyushchim] the universe; there occur the rhythmical fluctuations, similar to the processes, which form mountains, winds, sea currents, plant and animal kingdom”. In “the fine adjustment” of man and space poet it is not simple the adjuster of piano, but composer, musician -here that, until now, it is not yet realized in the proper measure. “What is poet? Men, which he does write with verses? No, certainly… But he writes with verses, i.e., it leads into harmony of word and sounds, because it - son of harmony, poet… Chaos exists primitive, spontaneous, [beznachalnoe]; space - arranged harmony…

Poet - son of harmony. Three matters are entrusted to it:

first - to free sounds from the native [beznachalnoy] element, in which they are; to in the second place, lead these sounds into harmony; in the third - to introduce this harmony into the external world”.

To introduce harmony into the external world - means to create new space, since space, on the block, this and there is harmony.

Our civilization and culture proved to be are too timid before such enlightenment. Block, white, Khlebnikov bore to us space news, but we plugged ears and [zazhmurili] of eye. Now they heat space of poets in the literary terms: symbolism, futurism, imagism, [akmeizm] - what abyss after all these “isms”. Perhaps in them the matter? Sky went down to the earth and it addressed by poetic voice.

Now, on the outcome of the 20th Century, the space enlightenment of poets were clothed in bright starry armor of contemporary cosmology. They are reliably protected by the formulas and the numbers from the bluntness, the ignorance and the incomprehension, but to me are nearer that brittleness and [donkikhotskaya] vulnerability, even lack of defense of poetic word, with what it appeared before the readers then, in space nudity and innocence as Adam and Eva before the god to the first transgression.

When in our press the photographs of the iridescent aura of emissions around the body at long last with the twenty-year delay appeared, I understood that the ancient phrase indicates: “blankets by light, [yako] by chasuble”, he understood that brocade and expensive stones - only imitation of this space garment. I recalled ancient legend about the fact that Adam and Eva were in to the paradise not simply of [nagi], but in the environment of the dazzling light, which then [ugas], why was required the clothing.

Academician [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev] so writes about the radiance, which emanates from “living substance”: “The range of the extra weak emission of living organisms lies On the Border between the infrared and ultraviolet region” (treasurers [V]. [P]. [Uchenie] about the biosphere. M., 1985).

Exactly at this boundary our terrestrial sight rejects, then poetic space eye saw this emission always.

[A]. [Blok], in addition told on this:

“The peaces, which forthcome look in light of the radiant sword, become ever more calling; already from their depth rush the pinching musical sounds, calls, whispers, almost word. At the same time they begin to be colored (here it appears the first profound knowledge about the colors); finally, that predominates appears that color, which to me to most simply name purple- violet (although this name perhaps not completely accurately). The gold sword, which penetrates purple of violet peaces, burns dazzlingly - and pierces heart. Already begins to penetrate face among the celestial roses… someone it suddenly intersects the gold thread of the blooming miracles; the blade of radiant ray grows dim and ceases to be felt in the heart. The peaces, which were pierced by its gold light, lose purple nuance; as through the torn away weir, is dug in blue- violet world dusk (better image of all these colors in [Vrubelya]…). The gold ray of [pogas], violet peaces gushed out in the heart. Ocean - my heart”.

Let us rush in this “life-giving ocean of light”, will be immersed into this space of purchases, overfilled by radiance. Let us believe block. Indeed the discussion deals not with the symbols or the allegories - this is reality of the space life of light, which they do not want to see, until now. If the discussion dealt with the symbolism, I would not begin to take away time in the readers. But, after reading the mountains of the literature about the block, I did not hear even hint for the fiery space dedication, experienced by great poet. Block finished its ascending to the sky the astral rainbow. As Dante, it saw face of excellent lady, woven from the vortex of stars, snowstorm and the fire:

Train, bespattered by stars,

Dark-blue, dark-blue, dark-blue look.

Between by the earth and by the skies

Like the wind raised bonfire.

“Like the wind raised bonfire” - this is burst of emission, which go from the man to the sky. For those, who are inclined entire uncommon to assign only to the excited fantasy of poets, I will give again the statements of academician [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev]. In the language of a strict science the experienced by block astral ardent vortex unity with space indicates the exchange of information between the living and inert material at the level of extra weak “electromagnetic interactions” of in the form “photon constellation” for organizing “living substance”. I understand, which all this sounds dryishly next to the verses of block, but listen to further. Scientists speak, that from a scientific point of view of person, who radiates radiance, there is a nothing else but “photon constellation”. “The organization of this “constellation” exists due to a constant inflow of energy from without… Here we deal concerning the unique, conditionally speaking, “specular” effect.

From one side, living system transfers the on Wednesday specific characteristics of its organization… From the other side… it [napravlenno] so receives, “it absorbs”…”. So this is what this azure-purple- gold violet- violet radiance, which proceeded to the sky. Astral bonfire in vain did not blaze.

There, in the night howling cold, in the field of stars I found ring. Here face appears from lace, appears from lace face. Here will sail its [vyuzhnye] trills, stars the bright trains of [vlacha]…

By these verses block finished the description of starry ascending. Poet as if foresaw, that no one it will believe, and with the naivete, characteristic of genius, it began to convince, to adjure the reader of that in reality occurred. “The value of these searching lies in the fact that just they reveal with the obviousness objectivity and reality “those peaces”… the entire world, which we attended, and all events, in which proceeding completely are not “our ideas”.

Everything in vain, no one believed. But indeed block said directly and unequivocally. Let us listen to it again, indeed great poet convinces us: “Reality, described by me, only, which for me gives the sense of life… Either there are those peaces or no. For those, who will say “no”, we will remain simply “so to itself decadents”, by the writers of the unprecedented sensations… Personally I can say for itself that in me even if it was sometimes, then finally disappeared hunting to convince someone in existence of the fact that is located above and it is further me”.

Each writer in his own way survived his space generation. Now, relying on the discovery [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev], I can more definitely say that it occurred with Avvakum Petrov in the jail, with Andrey [Bely] on the pyramid, such as reality lies behind the description of the special space states of Pierre Bezukhov, Dante in “godly comedy”, Wilhelm Meister from the novel of Goethe, [V]. [Kataev] in the finale of the book “diamond my corona”.

The not seen with usual sight extra weak emissions were pulled out from the body. So butterfly tears up cocoon and flies away. The butterfly of emissions bears into space some very important information, and man seemingly feels by his rays entire universe. Along the same channels, at the same frequencies to it goes the response from the most distant stars. It hears and is understood this language.

When such feedback between man and space is formed, the universe ceases to be black. At this moment it is received as its body. The sensation of the proximity of the most distant spaces and stars appears. The light, which emanates from the body into space, seemingly returns from within, enriched by new poetic information.

I looked it [okrest] and it astonished:

Somewhere in the infinite depth

Infinite look my refracted

And it returned from within to me.

I so unskillfully attempted to transmit this sensation many years ago. I ascertained that with the years many writers and scientists survived this space generation. Moreover, now at long last it becomes clear, what physical reality lies behind the such uncommon sensations. In chapter “[Kosmizm] of living substance” the academician [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev] reports that besides the enumerated emissions there is an also entirely invisible neutrino flux. Cosmos as is filled “neutrino sea”. “At present are advanced different hypotheses about possible interaction of neutrino and planetary living substance” ([V]. [Kaznacheev]).

I will explain: neutrino, is similar to photon, particle of light, it instantly pierces the universe, as if by feeling [ee]'. now again let us recall prince [Myshkina] and broken jug of Mohammed, from whom did not have time to pour out the water, until it surveys all limits of Allah.

During the [antropnoy] inversion precisely so, into the instant of eye, goes around entire universe. Apparently, with the radiant flux neutrino flux is fixed into space.

It is not desirable to firmly connect the fate of space inversion with one or other biophysical or cosmological hypothesis or another. It is important that today's science is much more prepared to the conversation about phenomenon so significant for many, than in the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth.

This is how wonderfully writes about the atom outstanding Soviet philosopher [Ya]. [E]. [Golosovker] in chapter “first excursus into space after the reason and the imagination”: “The instinct of culture is not only something terrestrial, but also something oecumenical - in the peaces of space… If man disappears on the earth and earth, even will disappear, then to its cult of [rimaginatsii] (then [Golosovker] calls the invisible clusters of information in the universe. - K. k.) can not disappear. They can be transferred into the consciousness of another highest essence, which lives not on the earth, but somewhere in space and the gifted with the highest instinct imagination…

… A since existence of the high(ly)-thinking imaginary essence cannot be limited only by the limits of the earth or the solar system, but possibly in any parts of space… this essence can be on the time

As a result the supernova explosion star on February 23, 1987 to the earth was brought down the neutrino flux, which confirmed the guess of scientists about that which in the universe 90% substance lies in these particles.

its existence is infinitely more ancient on the thought infinitely more powerful and [sovershennee] of man”.

And here is the last impact Of [golosovkera] on the [zanudnomu] rationalism: world space thought in contrast to the rational terrestrial exists nothing else but “the imagination of terrestrial person” ([Golosovker] [Ya]. [E]. the logic of myth. M., 1987).

It is possible to infinity call the names of artists, poets, scientists, musicians, who perceived space with rays. Here at least evidence about the Norwegian artist Edward Munk.

“The sun for Munk was the godly luminous source and life. Celestial bodies and “force” were the living beings. The Moon - child of the earth. Moonlight generates desire and fear. To die - means to only change form. People - wave of spirit and material. They can melt, form new forms. If cabbage worm can become butterfly, then why man after death cannot become something, what we cannot see. People - vessels, filled with the current in them waves” ([Stenersen] [R]. Edward Munk. M., 1972).

In fact, Munk saw the same realities as block, waves of cosmic radiations, conversation by light.

The theory of relativity began from the conversation with light. Einstein mentally flew after the ray and ascertained that on the photographic negative there is nothing. If we fly with the speed of light, reflection will not be. It chased light train on the light rails, and lights-hour were placed on the light-platform, and he saw, what on the hours of light stood one and the same hour - eternity. It turned out that time exists only relative to light. You strive for ray, and time disappears, as soon as you will overtake light. On the photon (in the ray) the time is equal to zero.

If you surpass light, then you will prove to be “in that light”, there minus- time, and reason anticipates the consequence: child first is born, and then occur conception, the first kiss, the first meeting, languor according to the beloved, first view.

In “the sleep of the ridiculous person” Of [f]. [M]. Dostoyevsky the people of the highest civilization [izyasnyayutsya] by light. By light [izyasnyayutsya] cells, being exchanged ultraviolet rays at one and the same frequency. On other emissions it is known less, but they all are reduced as the genetic code, to four “colors”: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions.

In order to open the twinkling of human aura, it was necessary to investigate man as star, at a distance. Then they revealed ten emissions, which emanate from its body.

In the language of infrared and ultraviolet radiations “say” the stars. Visible ray - only guiding thread of Ariadnas in the labyrinth of space.

Guillaume Apollinaire sees with own eyes, as [zveedy]- bees they drink the honey of emissions, which emanates from the moon and from the man. Moreover it is this is what still interesting: indeed Lorca receives moon as honeycomb med.


[Bezumnoustaya] [medotochit] the moon

To gluttony entire night it is dedicated

Heavenly bodies the role of bees manage skillfully

Suburbs and gardens are drunk by the satisfied white

Indeed each lunar ray collapsing from the heights

It changes below into honey of hundreds

Of night history I wait decoupling gloomy

I the sting of your frighten the bee of Arcturus

Bee that into the handful my fraudulent ray places

In the rose of winds after taking its [srebristyy] med.

(Trans. [B]. Lifschitz).

Let us have a talk with the stars, as the inhabitants of ancient, mythological China could do this: “As recently appeared people, sky communicated with them and they communicated with the sky. In the morning and in the evening people could rise at the sky, in the morning and in the evening sky could with them talk” (yuan kOe. Myths of ancient China. M., 1987).

According to the traditional Chinese ideas the man has himself ten souls. With death of man first fly away the souls “of [khun]”, and then disappear souls “on”. It is interesting that the number - 10 souls - in a quantity coincides approximately with the open now ten times forms of the emissions, which emanate from the man.

Around our earth there is invisible infrared sky. It shines more strongly or fades depending on human activity.

Heat- and cold - binary code of infrared. Ultraviolet it, but heat- and cold we distinguish. It is possible to be explained with the universe by the binary code and perhaps this code is connected with the waves of gravity (if these waves in nature exist). Then “yes” and “no” it would indicate “heavily” “easily”. It is easy to suggest to itself: “heat- is cold” and “it is heavy - it is easy”, and will not be then conversation with the universe conversation with my “I”? But conversation with the universe - this is a dialogue with itself.

People talk by light, although I myself do not know, as this occurs. I would speak about this thus:

Conductor of the butterfly

It pulls upwards threads,

It that is reflected,

That blazes.

Butterfly is specular,

And it is reflecting;

Who whom will catch,

No one knows.

Conductor of the butterfly

It became as the cocoon:

In each [pautinke]

To its [siyane].

Butterfly first falls, then it flies,

Conductor first is pulled, then he shines.

Conductor of the butterfly

It became rounded,

It loses the shadow between

By average [Vegoy],

It drops the panel

In the center abyss,

It proceeds by light, it proceeds by shadow.

Future will be in the middle

In the butterfly of that shining, [srebrolikoy],

In that falling further,

Than it is possible to fall,

In the sought-for flight

In the middle of bird.


At the moment of [antropnogo] [metasingulirovaniya] the information proceeds from the man into the universe, hence the glow, now and then so bright that it cannot be looked. Simultaneously the wave of meta-information is fixed towards the man from the universe.

This pulsatory oecumenical crystal of the emissions of [golografichen]. The point of acupuncture on the human tele- corresponds to each star before the sky. They, according to the observation of physicians, preserve their activity now and then even three days after death.

The configuration of constellations before the sky bears by no means random nature. Constellations - visible hieroglyphs of the meta- code. They are printed out on the retina of eye (also winding structure), and through the sight it passes by 85% of entire information about the peace at the conscious and unconscious levels. It is known that the eye is in turn the spherical spiral projection of all internal and external organs of man. It means, through the sight the sky acts by all stars on entire person.

Still psychologist Young posed question, why we group by the mental look of constellation so, but not otherwise. Answer

to this question it is not simple. In the constellations as if the moments of the past life were grouped. Which occurs on the earth and before the sky, they know the starry myths of different peoples.

Even birds orient their flight along the stars, even fishes distinguish constellations. But that if the celestial sphere - this is a constant generating news from the [metavselenskoy] civilization?

Some speak about the [imaginativnykh] clusters of information, others, as block, they see clearly space light, the third prefer to speak about the incorporeal spirit. It seems to me that the discussion here deals with one and the same reality. The almost not distinguished by eye electromagnetic radiations, entirely invisible neutrino fluxes and, possibly, other, unknown thus far forms of material resound on the universe information about our internal peace, and the emissions, which carry space information, occur as the answer from space. Invisible emissions merge into the united oecumenical crystal of world, speaking in the words Of [golosovkera], [imaginativnogo] brain. Pierre Bezukhov saw this crystal globe, this shining multi-eyethuya sphere regained vision [Lizasha] in Andrey [Bely].

We will not make form, that the starry code is deciphered. I even doubt, that is here possible in principle the interpretation. Interaction of the emissions of man and space - this is literally “thin material”. But extra weak electromagnetic interactions, where act, the complementarity principle of Nils Bohr enters into its rights. And here, the academician of treasurers writes, between the man and the inert material appears the dialogue of the light, which, alas, it is difficult to decipher, because “the properties of complementarity with interaction of living and inert substance, possibly, have a nature of fundamental natural- natural principle”.

Poets speak about this dialogue in other words.

The secret of stars torments the brain of man, each ray becomes the prickle of thorny corona, which is stuck into the brain. Sky is thorny, or as said [V]. [Kataev], “diamond” corona of each person.

Here is Sagittarius- hunter, it is connected with Cygnus (tsar [Gvidon] Tsarevna- swan).

“Cygnus vomits into the clouds, cancer goes back back, and pike (constellation of fishes) pulls into the water”, in the known lines from [I]. [A]. Krylov's fable the motion of zodiac. Fishes - winter, and cancer - summer. Each pulls to its side.

It is clear that Cygnus from the zodiac circle of times vomits to the fall outside the limits of time - “into the clouds”. But “the cart” of Ursa Major “and now there”.

But it is this is what still interesting: in the constellation of Cygnus there is the black hole. But it can be, poets actually feel some connection with the emissions, which go from that beyond the limits region. [Derzhavin] in the poem “Cygnus” thus described about its flight:

Extraordinary I [parenem]

From it is perishable peace I will be separated,

With the soul immortal and [penem],

As swan, into air I will rise.

In the double means not perished,

I will not be detained in the gates of ordeals;

Above the envy extolled,

I will leave under itself the luster of reigns…

Tomb will not conclude me,

I will not be converted to smithereens among the stars;

But, as if certain pipe,

From the skies I will be heard in the voices.

And to [se] already the skin, to [zryu], is feathered

[Vkrug] camp covers my;

It swelled on the breast, back was winged,

Swan I am glossy by whiteness.

I fly, I steam -, also, under itself

Seas, scaffolding, peace I see entire;

As hill, it rises by head,

In order to hear to god canto…

Away with the magnificent, the glorious [pogrebenem],

Friends are my! The chorus of the Muzas, do not sing!

Husband! be clothed [terpenem]!

Above the imaginary corpse not howl.

No, I do not identify poetic intuition with the perception of various invisible emissions, which go from the visible and invisible objects before the sky. But to focus attention on this agreement is nevertheless must. Indeed any [neotkrytaya] regularity appears at first as the chain of chances. But the mysterious “chances”, connected with the reflection of the celestial sphere in the poetry as, probably, the reader has already been convinced, it was accumulated more than sufficiently.

Sky conceals not only astronomical and cosmological riddles. This many artists and writers understand.


Let you [mchites], as I, they are obedient to moment,

Slaves as I, to me innate [chisl],

But only I will look at the fiery book,

Not numerical I in it read sense.

In the coronas, the rays, the diamonds as caliphs,

Of superfluous among the pitiful needs terrestrial,

Firm dream is hieroglyphs,

You speak: “Eternity we, you is moment.

To us there is no number. In vain by the thought of the greedy

You the thought of eternal overtake shadow;

We here burn, in order to into the dusk pitch-dark

Nonsetting day was requested to you.

This is why, when to breathe so is difficult,

To you to gratifying so raise the brow

From face of the earth, where everything is dark and it is scant,

To us, into our depth, where it is magnificent and it is light”

([A]. [Fet])

“The hieroglyphs of stars” in contrast to the letters are infinitely many-valued. This is why I experience almost physical nausea from the popular of the now different kind of astral treatises. In them the uniqueness, not tolerated for the poetic rumor. Vulgar materialists of the type of Buechner, [Maleshota] and their student - [turgenevskogo] [Bazarova] are not nevertheless so primitive as rectilinear “astral” interpreters. , where there is no high poetry, there there is no sky.

What zh I did learn? It is time to learn, that in [mirozdane]

Where not be turned, question, but not answer.

([A]. [Fet])

What alphabet of dawns they compose

Their dark words?

What they do tell the star of distant?

What their mouths do call? :.

My closed seas

They remained without the coasts…

([F]. Garcia Lorca)

“Poetic creation - secret great is, the same eternal secret as the generation of man. You hear voices, and whose they - are unknown… Not whom does not have keys to the secret of universe. Does not have, also, the poet”. Garcia Lorca frequently conversed with those not seen with look “black moons”, and most of all in his light disturbed the space secret of the earth. As true poet the 20th century it did not tie to the stars of its everyday sense; therefore its poetic word possesses oecumenical [raspakhnutostyu] as “closed sea” without the coasts. Here where the space inversion. It is internal - it means that limited outside; however, no - this ground, and during the reversing the closed seas are of soul without the coasts as the universe.

If sky was child,

Jasmines would manage half of night…

But sky - this elephant is enormous,

But jasmine - this is water without the blood,

And girl - branch night

On the dark flooring without the edge.

([F]. Garcia Lorca)

Here is true [Metametafora] in its entire ambiguity and lamination of semantic spaces.

Connection with the stars, vibration between the poet and the sky, sometimes seen, sometimes invisible, it is perceived in each line.

Poetry - bitterness,

Honey celestial, it splashes

From the invisible beehives,

Where souls work…

Written in verse books -

This of star, that in the strict

To silence they swim

In the country of void,

They write them on the sky

By silver its lines.

([F]. Garcia Lorca. Transfer Of [o].[Savicha])

Garcia Lorca frequently saw “black moons” and red- green spectrum. Green flash went from the invisible green sky, and the red emission rose from the poet to the sky:

In the depths of the green sky

Green star to [mertsane].

What is to be done so that the love would not perish?

And which with it will become…

One hundred stars of gold, green

They will swim above the green sky,

Without seeing one hundred white towers,

Covered with snow.

And in order to my anxiety

It seemed living and passionate,

I must decorate it

By smile of red.

(Trans. M. [Kudinova])

In the space spectrum the block has gold twinkling. In Lorca silver glow predominates. However, as a whole the interesting opposition appears:

Block - gold - is starry

Lorca - silver - is lunar

Block more frequently conducts conversation with the stars, and Lorca with the moon. The gold starry sword of block resembles legend about the double-edged fiery sword, which intercepts sky from the earth from the times of a drop in Adam. Not by this whether sword did cut breast to Pushkin's prophet six-winged Serafim?

Gold of stars - way at the sky. Silver of moon - oblivion. The silver india-rubber of moon, moving in a circle of skies around the earth, seemingly it erases entire excess vain information, it prepares for the sky. It can be. Alpha and the omega of de Chardin's [Teyyara] - these are another star- sun and the moon- planet of the earth. The language of the moon of sinciput am poetical. Here is Lorca's poem “omega” - the truly lunar speech:


(Verses for the corpses)


I right hand to itself will cut off.



In me are a glove and” mercuries, from the silk - the second.



Do not cry. To [molchane] - silence, which others do not hear.



Large gates were opened.

[Izvayanya] fell.


(Trans. vl. Of [buricha])

Poetry - code, which the sky is exchanged with the earth, it is subordinated to complementarity principle. This is the special situation, when view acts on luminous source, changing it, and the pronounced word so converts rumor that it cannot be said, is created or reflected the means of sky. This is an accurate sign of [metakoda] and new meta-language of poetry appearing on its basis.

“The second consciousness and meta-language. Meta-language it is not simple the code - it always dialogue relates to that language, which it describes and analyzes. Position of that experimenting and observing in the quantum theory… Inexhaustibility of the second consciousness, i.e., the consciousness of the one understanding and corresponding: in it the potential infinity of the answers of the languages, codes. Infinity against infinity” ([M]. [Estetik]'s [Bakhtin] verbal creation).

Simply stated, when poet sees the mysterious rays, which connect him with the sky, this reality, by him created, but at the same time and objective. Its dialogue with the sky occurs not in the language of man and not in the language of stars, but on the [nekoem] third, not described. I will say still simpler: the third language, meta-language, the mediator between the earth and the sky - this is poetry itself. Poet is not translator, but the creator of starry language. About this he wrote still with bottoms in X the century:

You want so that they would become subject the sky, arise

And, after trampling by its heel, above the earth of [vospryan]!

Only do not be examined, into the height striving

It is steady, in order to the earth from the sky to not fall.

Your sash - heavenly body of sky. You - [Tankalusha]

Starry faces. Your soul will remove chains from them.

In each face as in [zertsale], itself you soar.

So why by their [znamenyami] do read you?

But although you from the sensations of stars is always distant,

The spirit of your, the reason of your their lights forever lit up.

Besides the point of the original of existence in all,

Everything is different - only letter of the roll of your.

But so that this [metakod]? The matrix of stars, with which are reproduced the texts? Matrix, but - living. By themselves stars are silent. They revive, when ray is reflected in the pupil. The thin connection, which generates the waves of invisible light, appears between that observed and observer. It is possible that the ancient Hindus called [pranoy] those very expirations of light, which we name “weak electromagnetic radiations”.

The focus of emissions in [Chkhandogya]-[upanishade] named heart. “Truly in the heart of five openings…”

sight - the sun - heat-

rumor - moon - the light

speech - fire - the aura

thought - moisture - the beauty

space - wind - the energy

“… Truly this of five guards… guard the gates of celestial peace… It reaches celestial peace it the one who knows five guards”.

All five refractions of light from the heat and the fire to the cold glow of moon, aura and feeling of beauty - this is only threshold. Further is opened sky invisible.

“Further the radiance, which shines above this sky, above all it is must to all in this highest of the peaces, this truly the same radiance as inside the man.

They see this, when from the touch perceive heat- in this tele-. They hear this, when cover ears and hear as if sounds and noise, as from the blazing fire. This must read a little as this that seen and heard. Attractive and glorious it becomes it the one who knows this”. After rising to the very apexes of skies, let us come our there internal into being. Let us hear speech inexpressible, will come into being invisible. Description of this inexpressible speech and the reflection of invisible highest, internal light - meta-language of poetry.

Words, as music, move

Only in the time; but that not higher than life.

Not higher than death. Words, after being heard no more, reach

Silences. Only by form and by the rhythm

Words, as music, reach

[Nedvizhnosti] of ancient Chinese vase,

Circulations of eternal [nedvizhnosti]

Not only [nedvizhnosti] of violin during

Reverberating note, but [sovmeshchenya]

Beginnings with the previous end,

Which coexist

Prior to the beginning and after end,

And all always now.

([T]. [S]. Eliot)

In order to enter into this space, Eliot approached at first the closed doors of celestial garden. This preceded the moment of the [antropnoy] space inversion, when the past, future and present shuffle as [maeta] in the pack of playing cards, and they merge into one eternal moment.

Present and passed,

Probably, they will begin in the future,

As future began in the past…

If time always present,

It means, time does not release…

Steps respond in the memory

To the [neproydennogo] turning

To the door into the pink garden,

To the [neotkrytoy] door. So

In the sky is slanted the speech my. But why

Dust to disturb to the cup- roses,

I do not know.

[Otrazhenya] of other

They populate garden. Not to enter?

You do remember [blokovskiy] “nightingale garden”? In Eliot's garden sing not the nightingales, but thrushes, but garden as before starry. Ascending to it the air steps of sky.

In the first door,

Into our first peace to enter,

entrusting to the song of thrush?

In our first peace.

There they, stately and invisible,

Air they stepped on dead leaves…

And the views of invisible intersected,

Since roses looked towards the views.

Eliot raises into the starry garden on the sapphire stairs. Sapphire includes the astral rainbow of block, its nuances. Sapphire- this is the [blokovskaya] azure, condensed to the dark blue, one additional evidence, that along one and the same stairs of light the poets rise into the skies. Now let us recall the Cole- star Of [zabolotskogo], and Ursa Major - vehicle of corpses, and eternal tree - tree of the Milky Way.

Adhered sapphire, [prilip] garlic,

In mud on the axis it crawls cartings,

[Poskripyvaet] tree.

In the blood the string vibrates,

And the war is forgotten

In the name of reconciliation.

Pulsation of the arteries

And lymph the rotation

They are calculated [kruzhenem] of the stars

And they mount to the summer in the tree.

But we is cost in our small increase

On the moving tree

And we hear how in the years

They run from The [gonchikh] dogs of herd,

They run now, they run always

And they are reconciled between stars.

([T]. [S]. Eliot)

And here now, when the visible sky with the Pole star, the she-bear, By [gonchimi] dogs is achieved, it is necessary to leave to the invisible sky, to its morning light, which it is discussed in [Chkhandogya]-[upanishade]. In order to be turned inside out there, necessary to reach fixed point - the axis, around which revolve all stars. This is the apex of celestial tree - Pole star. Here the neck of cup, hence output to the freedom. This star is 120 times more than the sun. Ray from it flies to the earth of 472 years. “This means that at present we see the Pole star of such, such as she was in the times of Columbus and unkind memory of Ivan [Grozny]”. All this, of course, interesting information, but most main other. The Pole star - cepheid, it pulsates. [F]. [Yu]. Siegel writes about the cepheids thus: “It is similar to heart, they continuously pulsate…”

The conversation of poets with the stars must be listened to without the haughty distrust. Indeed it is clear, they all in one voice us speak about the literal, but not symbolic contact with the stars. It can be, in this confluence of the space pulse of stars and man lie the yet not [razgadannye] secrets of [metakoda].

Neither lift nor descent. Besides point, calm point,

There is nowhere rhythm, only in it rhythm…

Feelings the white light, calm and which staggers,

Its motion Of erhebung…

([T]. [S]. Eliot. All verses of Eliot are given in the transfers Of [a].[Sergeeva])

That elevated draws us to the sky, in block this it are “tailed star”. In [Zabolotskogo] and Eliot the star is polar. The poetic look of Lorca is directed to the moon. [Lermontov] simply it listened to, as “star with star he speaks”. In this conversation of stars the voices of poets are distinctly audible.
Source - “”
Category: Constantine Alexandrovich [Kedrov]
