
Let my enemies rejoice
For I am in shreds
In front of their eyes
I'm biting the dust
And the way is too long
To my deathbed
There will be years of lies
Years of broken trust
And I am trapped
Trapped in this life
It's hard to go on
It's too scary to leave
I take it step by step
Forced to survive
I know there is God
But I'm not there for Him
Whatever is bad
Will become worse
Whatever is bleak
Will always go black
And in the end
There is no choice
I know no trick
To get me back on track

Стих понравился,но почему в нем такая безысходность?Больше оптимизма!Спасибо,с уважением Г.Попов /Рашвелл/

Рашвелл   30.06.2011 00:58     Заявить о нарушении
Вам спасибо. )

Евгений Шпунт   30.06.2011 12:40   Заявить о нарушении
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