Summer... Night

Summer… Night…
And there you are…
Met by the moonlight
You’re so far!
And they are here,
And they are happy!
But you are there
Always nappy!
Haven’t got changed
But this is you.
Everything is engaged
Everything was true.
Until you went there
Until you left me
Can’t stay anywhere
Don’t know: “what’s with me!”
The time has passed
I’m followed with past
Impressed by you
They say: ‘”You must!”
What can I make?
What can I decide?
The heart can brake
Easily inside!
This is normal,
This is true
My story about you
Is followed by … “who?’’ –
Will you ask me?
“Who?” – can be there
Inside my soul
And everywhere?
The question is difficult
The question is hard.
Don’t know the answer
The words: “I’ve loved…”
