People happen to people...

"The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat."
People happen to people without a reason.

Just because we were there. It was probably raining.

We were probably lonely.  At this railway station.

We stopped by to grab coffee, diluted cheap coffee,

 Unconditional warmth of the temporary shelter …
Who can blame us? We travel day and night, day and night.

All we left - just some garbage, all we left - empty boxes.

All we left – just the station, by itself, in the rain.
You are quoting Seinfeld. You are looking for reasons.

You are wrinkling forehead. You are looking for love.

Young Confucius trapped in the dark of the darkness

In the search of that “something” which is never enough.

What a pitiful party.
