Felicidades, amigo mio!

;Feliz Cumplea;os a ti, Pedro!
;Felicidades, amigo mio!


My soul's waterless and dry.
It cries, my friend. I don't know why.

I have no wish to write the letter.
Forgive me. I'm just worthless chatter.
My words lost freshness, became dead.
I beg your pardon, dear lad.

I can read something. Someone writes
That life's an ulcer. Many bites
Have healed already - but not all.
How can I hide my smashing fall?

I've been too high and burnt the wings.
Without voice nobody sings.

No one, but me.
Believe me, now.
They'll grow, other wings.
Oh, how
I'd like to see, to kiss, embrace
Beloved of mine with smiling face.

But she's not happy, very sad.
It's not my fault. I'll be Granddad
For son of hers, and Dad for her.
I'd write a lot of things for your
Attention priceless to attract
More gratitude and less respect.

When she'd gone back to hubby's house
Being got in trap, small frightened mouse,
Her little kid was stayed with me.

I've babysitting. Let it be
All what has happened. I'm nice,
And don't need help or advice.

I lack the will to sing today.
But it'll be found, a new way
To that green valley of my dreams
Where shining Sun gives rays,
bright beams
Of warming light
with all its might
Are sent to Earth by day, at night,
In every second of our lives
To children, husbands and their wives.

Mis Cumplea;os sent a ti
Come from my heart, но мне, прости,
Хотелось бы, чтоб понял ты,
Как больно им, когда цветы

На солнце сохнут без воды.
Глаза без радости пусты,
В них нет ни света, ни тепла,
В них жизни нет - любовь прошла,

Как дождь весенний, летний сон.
Вот утро - и расстаял он.

Ты береги её, мой друг,
и замечай вокруг
Все жесты, краски и слова
Пока она в тебе жива.

Желаю счастья! Будь добрей!
Let it returns, this lovely day!
Felicidades! Come stai?
Translate, remember. Hugs! Bye-bye.
