Similarity principle the basic law of nature

We live in "the Fairyland of Mirrors”. The understanding and use of the law “Similar attracts similar” is “the Gold key” to a magic door of this " Fairyland of Mirrors” in which it is possible to see constantly the own image, display of the behavioural programs of reaction to various influences and situations.

 It is known In physics that  the resonance phenomenon when waves with an identical phase and frequency, "being superposed" each other, summarize their maximum amplitudes. When you rock a swing, only getting to a rhythm of their own movement (own frequency), it is possible to increase strongly at small effort their deviation from vertical position.

What occurs round us? We attract to ourselves people with character traits, a behavior and perception manner similar to ours. But this similarity at the people (animals) around us can be shown in other aspects. If something irritates us in other person (animal) it is necessary to analyse the thoughts and acts, in the past or in the present which were erroneous or aggressive in relation to someone. Sometimes not simply to find that aspect in which similar lines of our character are shown. Sometimes it’s not simply to find that aspect in which similar lines of our character are shown. But persistence and introspection will yield the results.

So, for example, I was irritated long with my colleague with the greed to money while I haven't found in myself a similar character trait – the greed to the information. I often visited bookshops and bought many interesting books. The information, as well as money, is an energy equivalent. And energy is given to the person for maintenance of the life and health, and also for performance of certain mission on the earth – the maintenance and extension of a family, performance of social functions (posts and duties) etc. That is energy (money, the information) should work, bring certain advantage, instead of to be stored for emergency and to lie as dead cargo.
To reserve the information on the off-chance and not to use it in business the same, what to reserve money, without spending them for the necessary. As soon as I have understood that I was like she, only in other aspect, I have ceased to be irritated on the colleague. 
If we show any aggressive program of behavior put in our subconsciousness, it means that we make active its power impulse, that is we give out energy on its functioning.

The similar program of other person also receives energy of corresponding quality and a range of frequencies, being imposed on our similar program, so there is a resonance. As a result this person at our presence makes acts and the reactions (emotion) similar to ours, and even in more powerful display.

For example, you go along the street, have reflected, and, suddenly, somewhere the dog nearby, unexpectedly, has loudly begun to bark, irritating you with it. In this case it is necessary to think: and why it has begun to bark at my presence? As a rule, it happens when you mentally criticize someone, condemn, can't reconcile with someone's act. The dog reads out your aggressive mood and, using your energy of indignation, discontent, an attack, gives out actions of similar quality on the physical plan.
In this case it is necessary to thank a dog and your own forces that they have brought you to it (or it to you) and have shown to you that you display aggression. So, using a similarity principle, it is possible to understand signs which are given to you for correction of your vital reactions and behavior programs, for harmonization of your consciousness, subconsciousness (soul) with world around.

Any vital problem, condition it is possible using «the similarity law» to perceive as the information on your deeds.
So, for example, if someone has deceived you, it is necessary to think, whether there is someone, is voluntarily or involuntarily deceived by you which it remembers and conceals insult. It is necessary to realize those troubles which this person has got, and to ask him or her mentally sincere with repentance to forgive you and to take away the insult.

 The law «Similar attracts similar» is one of the basic laws of space, working on evolution of the whole creation at all levels of hierarchy.
