Древо песен - Сара Тисдейл

Другим пою я песни,
А с тобой тиха;
На древе моих песен
Ни одного стиха.

Ты налетел, как ветер
Из грозовой дали,
Небрежно листья разметал,
Унёс за край земли.

И древо песен замерло,
По листве скорбя –
Другим я песни отдала,
А тебе – себя.

The Tree of Song (Love Songs)

I sang my songs for the rest,
For you I am still;
The tree of my song is bare
On its shining hill.

For you came like a lordly wind,
And the leaves were whirled
Far as forgotten things
Past the rim of the world.

The tree of my song stands bare
Against the blue--
I gave my songs to the rest,
Myself to you.
