
Justice is always balanced, justice is never failing.
Blessed are the meek and humble, blessed are the poor in spirit.
Dignity and despair rise from the silence, waking
Death in the withered blossom, death in the broken branches,
Quiet and unforgiving.

Justice is finely measured, justice is cut precisely.
Earth, preordained and righteous, spins on a diamond axis.
Kneel to a humble flower, fall on your face, and witness
Death in a tiny droplet, death in the clouds assembling —
Part of a greater order.

Justice is closely followed, justice is sought and guarded.
Night of the soul is endless, pregnant with formless sounds.
Seal up your itching ears lest you should hear unmuffled
Death in the lovers' moaning, death in the children's laughter,
Sudden and inconvenient.

Very nicely put together! Great descriptive language!

Мария Брейман Шамкалян   18.02.2011 10:43     Заявить о нарушении