Why do people celebrate the Saint Valentine s Day?

          It is fair to say, that Saint Valentine's Day is one of the most favorite days in Europe. This day has a great history behind it. The day was named by   two Valentines, who sacrificed themselves for love and people. Nowadays they are heroes of millions of couples all over the world. England's King Henry VIII, known for his ways of disposing his wives, declared February 14th a holiday. However, the society has changed and not every culture or religion feel any respect for this day or know any sense of this high day. And so, whether or not Saint Valentine's Day has any sense to celebrate and is a true rejoicing is open to debate.
Some people celebrate the Saint Valentine's Day, because it is a great way to remember the Saint Valentine. For many people he is a hero of the ancient word. According to a legend, a Roman emperor Claudius II decided that a warrior don’t need to have wife, or a family because these parts of his life  simply stop him from being a real warrior. Therefore Claudius II banned all marriages. However, there was Saint Valentine who didn't agree with Claudius’s policy. Therefore, he started to secretly performed marriages.  Claudius II found out about it and killed Saint Valentine. This leads to a consequence that Saint Valentine died, because of being a hero of love and marriages. That is why people remembered and remember him even now. For example, The Saint Valentine's Day was even it the Church's calendar until 1969. Thus, some people celebrate the Saint Valentine day, because it is a great way to remember the Saint
                Another group of people celebrate it as a remembrance of love. Throughout history people felt love. It seems to me, that love is an inseparable part of humanity. Almost all people has contacted to a feeling which they call love. Some scientists even said that love is a drug, which to some degree explains the necessity for people who felt this, feel it again and again. At the same time, for humanity it is important to have a future generation. It can be argued, that this feeling is an explanation for a couple to have sex.
Almost all people has contacted to a feeling which they call love. For example, 52% of Russian people think that they love somebody. Therefore love is an essential and important part of human’s soul. Therefore, another group of people celebrate Valentine's Day as a remembrance of love.
             People celebrate The Valentine’s Day, because it is one of the reasons for people to meet each other. Throughout their lives, people have a lot of negative moments such as problems at work, or unpleasant conversation with their boss. Therefore people have a lot of stress in their life, which is negative to their health. Also, a lot of stresses during life can be caused, because of luck of feelings during a period of life. That is why this day is so important to some people. During this day, people meet their lovers, kiss them, have sex or tell them about their feelings. Using these actions these people recharge their batteries. Therefore, meeting a real love at this day increase people’s health.  For example, a significant part of people in Europe, said that after The Valentine’s Day they felt an increase in their mood and health. And so, people celebrate The Valentine’s Day, because it is one of the ways to increase people’s health. 
                On the other hand, this day is a day of remembrance about Lupercalia. Lupercalia was an ancient pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15 to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility. In ancient times, the rate of death of young people was very high. Therefore people started to think that it is an evil spirit, who does this for people. Therefore ancient people created this festival, during which people harmed women to purify them from this spirit. On this festival almost all of the members were naked. Therefore nowadays, this festival is not unacceptable  for many religions, thus this day is also banned. For example, in Islamic religion The Valentine’s Day is banned. And so, this day is also a day of remembrance about Lupercalia, which is unacceptable for some religions.
                In addition to this,   the Valentine’s Day has a strong bond with commerce. Millions of people in Europe and America celebrate this day. The most obvious and common gift is a special note in a form of hart, chocolates and flowers. Usually people buy these gifts. Knowing this, special people create special gifts, or some entertaining to earn extra money during this day. Therefore this day has a commercial shade. This to some extent, destroys all the emotional parts of this day, and displaced it with the necessity to earn money on other people, who will spend their money on a special gift.  Therefore,  the Valentine’s Day has a strong bond with commerce.
To conclude, the Valentine’s Day is a famous day in some people’s life. People celebrate it, as a remembrance towards the Saint Valentine, love and because it is a reason for love each other to meet. However, this day is also a day of remembrance about Lupercalia, which is not honored by many religions such as Islamic. Also, the Valentine’s Day has a strong bond with commerce. In my opinion, the Valentine’s Day is a great way of showing respect to people like Saint Valentine. However, in some societies the meaning of the day is exaggerated, because when people love each other they have these feelings towards their partner every day, but not only during the Valentine’s Day.

Это, несомненно, очень нужная информация. Люди зачастую отмечают како-либо событие, не задумываясь над тем, откуда оно возникло. Также поисходит и с Днём Св. Валентина.
С уважением Ольга.

Ольга Михайловна Орлова   16.02.2011 00:52     Заявить о нарушении