The Only Thing That Matters

The work has gone away
The time has passed
The only thing remained,
The only thing that lasts-

Your life and mine
There is only one life
That puts all things together
And sometimes  makes us cry

Love doesn't cost a thing
It doesn't last forever
A chance takes everything
God is so clever

He did his job so good!
Invented life and people
Providing us with food
He gave us all we needed

We have to use this life
To live it all around
To eat to pray to try
Enjoying Nature's sounds,

The seas, the lakes, the rocks
The sun, the moon, the rivers
We have to throw the clocks
We must remain the dreamers

Because the only thing
We must appreciate-
Is our life indeed
Right now. We mustn't wait


>Love doesn't cost a thing
>It doesn't last forever
>A chance takes everything
>God is so clever

Любовь гроша не стоит
И сгинет в жизни новой.
Лишь случай правит миром
Зато наш Бог – он клевый!


Михаил Солдатов   24.02.2011 23:22     Заявить о нарушении
cпасибки!!!как подняли настроение!такой позитив от вас!thanks!))

Очеретина Юлия   26.02.2011 20:11   Заявить о нарушении
Заходите в гости, я тоже на иноземных языках иногда пишу!

Михаил Солдатов   27.02.2011 06:00   Заявить о нарушении