Quandary Осложнение
Что до сих пор не уничтожит
Никто такую вещь, как Зло:
Что бы с Добром произошло,
Не будь на свете Зла? - едва ли
Они бы просуществовали,
Не различаясь меж собой,
И потому из нас любой,
Мозгами пораскинув, видит,
Что любит он, что ненавидит.
Возлюбим ближних, как себя,
Возненавидим их, любя,
Как и себя, - вот мудрость пифий,
Сокрытая в дельфийском мифе,
Но в том и трудность вся, пойми! -
С тех пор как стали мы людьми,
С тех пор как плод запретный съеден,
Мозги - наш бог. Так чем же вреден
(Вы спросите) желудок нам?
Готов признаться, что я сам,
Желудок путая нередко
С мозгами, был осмеян едко
И поваром, и мясником,
И книгой с толстым корешком,
Но не за счет мозгов, бывало,
Сходил за интеллектуала.
Перевод Р. Дубровкина
Never have I been glad or sad
That there was such a thing as bad.
There had to be, I understood,
For there to have been any good.
It was by having been contrasted
That good and bad so long had lasted.
That's why discrimination reigns.
That's why we need a lot of brains
If only to discriminate
'Twixt what to love and what to hate.
To quote the oracle at Delphi,
Love thy neighbor as thyself, aye,
And hate him as thyself thou hatest.
There quandary is at its greatest.
We learned from the forbidden fruit
For brains there is no substitute.
'Unless it's sweetbreads, ' you suggest
With innuendo I detest.
You drive me to confess in ink:
Once I was fool enough to think
That brains and sweetbreads were the same,
Till I was caught and put to shame,
First by a butcher, then a cook,
Then by a scientific book.
But ' twas by making sweetbreads do
I passed with such a high I.Q.
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По версии PRF-1969, надеюсь - Вы ей тоже доверяете!
(First version of 1959)
We live but to discriminate
'Twixt what to love and what to hate.
Because discrimination reigns
Is why there’s such a need of brains.
We learned from the forbidden fruit
For brains there is no substitute.
'Unless it's sweetbreads, ' you suggest
With innuendo I detest.
You drive me to confess in ink
I did employ sweetbread to think
Till I was caught and put to shame,
I wasn’t half as much to blame
As was my social science set,
My brothers of the Calumet,
The liberal progressive party
With whom, in being modern-arty,
Sweetbreads-for-brains, their slogan, had
A vogue amounting to a fad.
To sweatbreads on our club menu
They all ascribed my high I.Q.
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