There s no way out of nowhere

"- You want a story, dear? Why you do?
You've never trusted in a fairytales.
- I'm elder one and, nanny, and I would spew,
My broken dream, so, tell me myths of Wales.

- My dear child, tales are for kids,
And what a whim is living in your brain?
- My nanny, why can't dad forbid,
You tell me lies, about sweets and heaven?"

- Alright, my queen. Your Majesty will sit?
- Oh, nanny, please! Take your lorgnette!
There's gloomy world, which nobody could lit.
You see this well, not worse that me, I bet!

-You're right, my queen, but may I say a word?
- Please, leave this tone, we're alone in here.
- I'm used to this betrayed, filthy world.
As everybody else, you know, my dear.

I'm old and weak and I am about to die,
But if my heart's still beating in my chest,
I gave a swear to this world to hide,
A secret of one girl, our special guest.

- That was my mum, I know all this for sure.
- But... where did you find her picture or...
 - My poor nanny, nothing is as pure,
As forest water and the water door.

- But if you know her story, what can I?
You're forest princess, queen of living creatures,
- My dear nanny, truth is thing to buy,
To buy with pain, when any peak is reached.

- Alright twice, Majesty, you've given me a role,
And I will play it all, from origin to end.
- But by the way you'll make me grieve and fall.
-You're queen, my girl, you're ought to cope and bend.
They're always blind, but searching for a trace,
They're always poor, but richest from the rich,
They're always goom, but have the better grace,
Than you, my sweety, and your awkward witch.

What did you say? You want to know their names?
My dear queen, my little stupid girl,
Haven't you seen the way which they behave,
Their names are burned, their history - a doll.
- Is this a story, nanny, or your own words?
- Not all, milady, but the part is mine.
- Oh, God and all the thinking Gods,
Your myth is misty, as a lilac wine.

- You haven't understood? But what you've seen,
In crystal water of the forest lake?
- I've seen a woman... probably, elf-queen,
With child in hand, which she...forsake.

- The water lied. Your mum was proper queen,
She was an elf and had a certain worth,
But she was sad. I said just what I mean.
That's a myth, so there's a witch, of course,

She made a spell, she made your mum forget,
What is she now and how she happy is,
Then she passed her into the forest set,
- What, nanny, what?
- Don't mind - stupid myth.
- But who's the witch? And why she've been set free?
- You want to know? The witch is me."
