
(20 Line Couplet Sonnet)

Each year this Valentine is born anew
blood-blue these words perpetuate the due:

Perhaps this day with Cupid I should plot
to write you Valentine.. or write you Not! 
Another rose, a million petals spent
a sacred symbol, love's pure sacrament…
Oh YES! he loves me..NO! he loves me not!
For Heaven sake it's I that Cupid shot!
Why must you torture me, capricious brat!
how dare you pierce my tender heart like that!
Another world, a million miles apart
a somber symbol, love's true lonely heart…
Oh YES! he loves me..NO! he loves me not!
For Mercy sake, another petal's shot!
Why must you torture me, reveal my fate
oh, this undying love I think I Hate!
Another wish, a million tears to cry
a sainted symbol love's one hope awry…
Oh YES! he loves me ..NO! he loves me not
Pray tell which final petal have I got?




*this makes the third year for this Valentine now....It has become tradition to rewrite it each year in a new form.  Last year it had a contemporary flare to it.  The year before it was in tetrameter in 5 line stanzas.  Who knows what it will be next year but it will be something even if it turns into a 3 line Senryu...humm not sure how well that would work ...haha

This one is awesome !!! Keep reading over and over again and still thirsty for more. Great poem !!! Thank U !!!

Гарик Зилберт   13.03.2011 14:21     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much Garik (not sure if that is correct) I'm so glad you enjoyed this verse. It is one of my favorites. I'm not good with love poems and so I keep rewriting this one in different forms every year. I have a poetry site myself and we are having a contest and will be publishing the top ten poets and their sonnets in my new book "The Feather Bridge" that will be out in the fall of the year. Anyway, I thought, why not make this a couplet sonnet. I wasn't sure if this was too long to be considered a sonnet and then researched it and there just so happens to be in existence a 21 line sonnet. haha ... I appreciate your comments and hope to come and read some of your poetry as well.

Love and light

Мэтти Дубоис   25.03.2011 06:43   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.