I wait for you, my noble knight!
If you are wise and true in heart,
If you're no stranger to adventure,
And not afraid of working hard,
If you are caring and forgiving,
If you are confident and kind,
If you have never stopped believing
In finding love and in your mind
You cherish honesty, remaining
The man who doesn't wish to lie,
Who conquers fear with daily training
Of will, refusing to deny
His own mistakes, but rather taking
Responsibility for them
And for the choices he's been making
Approaching life like his exam....
If this is you - you have the power
To win my heart and make things right....
In highest room of tallest tower
I wait for you, my noble knight!
Свидетельство о публикации №111011701410
It's hard to find a noble knight.
Bе strong and test them from inside
Those hearts a-ready for a fight
Once having looked so deep inside
You'll find, I bet, the noblest knight! )))
PS: I wish the Mighty One above
Enlights your heart with sparkling love!
Sagittarius 16.08.2012 16:42 Заявить о нарушении
Татьяна Княжна 25.09.2012 09:26 Заявить о нарушении