By Billy Graham converses with Constantine Kedrov


   Билли Грэмм и Константин Кедров "ИЗВЕСТИЯ" 1992

2010-02-04 09:44:00

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1992 Billy's Proceedings Graham and Constantine [Kedrov]
1992 Billy's Proceedings Graham and Constantine [Kedrov]
Constantine [Kedrov] the discovery monument to [pavichu] in summer

“Izvestiya” 1992 Billy [Gremm] and Constantine [Kedrov]
“Do not enter with the devil into the dialogue”

“Izvestiya” of № 230 on October 19, 1992.

By Billy Graham converses with Constantine [Kedrov]

By Billy Graham they call the confessor of America. Millions of people listen to its sermons in all corners of the world. Now and in Russia. the 16th number it arrived into the editorial staff “of Izvestia”. In the office of editor in chief the conversation, which anticipates the appearance of the Evangelical preacher before the multithousand audience on the stadium “Olympic”, was tied.

CEDARS. My questions will concern the theological problems, which in Russia now disturb very many. It will not even exaggeration say that in this country, where Christianity exists 1000 years, religious questions are sometimes more important than questions political. America also arose as the religious country. When 200 years ago pilgrims gave oath to assemble Christian state, then this was approximately the same situation, as 1000 years ago in Kiev, when prince Vladimir accepted baptism and abolished the capital punishment. It is time to sum up the sums. 200 years of the history of the USA, 1000 years of the history of Russia and Russia, and we increasingly with the same problems: the cult of violence, the heathen cult of the state above the right of personality, suppression by the state of rights and freedoms, given to man by god. What you do think about this strange tragic fate of Christianity in the history?

Graham. This was predicted By [iisusom] Christ. Christ so said that such times will come. If you want to read something more contemporary than the fresh last release of newspaper, then can take gospel from [Matfeya] - 24- yu head, from stamp - 13th head, from the pommel - 21- yu head. In these chapters Of [iisus] he indicates that it will occur, when we approach the culmination apex of history. All this occurs today, before our eyes, and I consider that these events will lead us directly to the arrival Of [tsarstviya] of God here, on the Earth; when all these negative moments and phenomena, which we encounter and encountered, in the past will disappear.

CEDARS. In the mass consciousness they connect the end of the light with the terrible wars. To you one preacher, who promised the end of the light on October 28 already in this month, arrived. This they connect with the flight of asteroid near from the Earth.

Graham. Bible prevents repeatedly about the false prophets. [Iisus] warned us against some of Danish because no one he knows, when this occurs. Only god knows.
And it must say that one additional force acts in entire this context. It acts in all our countries. And this is - devil. And, of course, devilish force - this force is supernatural.

CEDARS. If existence of god many doubt, then in existence of devil even this atheistic country as our, almost no one doubts. But is natural a question, are such the limits of the authority of devil? Where does end its force? My question makes special sense, since many consider, including I that the devil was personified in Stalin, in Hitler, in Mao, and to them similar. Moreover, is serious historical evidence, that Ivan [Groznyy] was by completely by the conscious [dyavolistom], worshipper of the cult of satan, and Stalin was called this [satanista] his teacher and he in many respects to it imitated. And here in connection with this it would be desirable to know, where the force of devil ends. By what force can resist it simple person, the usual reader of our newspaper. What you to it do advise?

Graham. Devil tempted even [Iisusa] itself. Three times in one place, in the desert. [Iisus] never argued with the devil. Never it entered with it into the debates. It altogether only cited the Scripture. So that in the Scripture there is force. And people can cite the Scripture, when devil approaches them with the temptations. And devil, certainly, will run away, as about this it is said in the bible.
But it is necessary to understand, that we do not have answers to all questions about existence of evil and devil. For example, apostle Pavel named this “the secret of evil”. We know on the basis Scripture that there will be the end to the devil and to evil. Great law court will come, and devil will be cast into the lake fiery. His influence will interrupt finally. But to that moment it cannot make anything without consent and assent of god. Because god created at first radiant angel. This was the most excellent angel, who guarded throne God. Its name was [Lyutsifer]. But it rose against the god.

CEDARS. In the limits of one human life the devil can be conquered? Not in the history, we got tired from the history. Future communism, future [Tsarstvie] [Bozhie] on the earth, we have fatigue from the future. We want to perceive the presence of god now and here.

Graham. I consider that directly now, today, it is possible to conquer devil, for example, in our personal life as follows. You must daily spend time in the prayer, study and read the Scripture, because in this book there is supernatural force. And devil hates bible. He does not want so that the people would study bible. I read bible daily.
(As soon as we addressed about the devil in the office, muffling us, it began furiously to ring telephone. And it continued during entire conversation on this theme, without getting tired to ring. This is why to Billy Graham said…)
You see devil it hates bible, he does not want so that the people would study bible. For example, when I read bible, and will, for example, ring telephone either child will begin to cry or someone [postuchitsya] into the door, in order to somehow distract me from reading of the word of God.
I consider that necessarily he will seclude for reading of bible. And, moreover, when you read the bible, when you approach the moment, which you do not understand, you will pause yourselves, think, think over above this or at least praying say: “God, help to me to understand this misunderstood in the word your”. Because, I will say to you, bible to understand not easily. Begin from “the new testament”. Read, as the first apostles accomplished their exploit, undergoing persecutions. Specifically, so god achieves his concept and today. I tell you about how I personally conquer devil, because devil constantly me pursues.

CEDARS. Us also. That the fact that you speak, will understand millions of believing people, but I will be absolutely frank. We live in the country, which was not yet realized from the ideological oppression of the totalitarian regimes before and after of all revolutions, where to the man always they gave the prescription of happiness. And here now, when prohibitions to the religion fell, the intelligentsia has serious fears. Earlier us were processed at the meetings, they cited Marx, Lenin, Stalin. But now instead of the communism they promise reign [Bozhie] on the Earth. Instead of “capital” - bible, instead of the party zeals - multithousand religious zeals and cross motions. Man is again subjected to ideological [zombirovaniyu]. Understand, these fears result from the very bitter experience of a stay in the totalitarian regime. Therefore it would be desirable to learn your opinion about Christianity and human freedom.

Graham. I believe only into one personality. And this personality is Jesus Christ. And this personality loves you. This personality is interested in each trifle of your life. This personality wants and desires to help us in our daily activity. This personality wants to help us to leave the state of despondency, boredom and disappointment in the life. I believe that, studying bible, we can understand very much and find happiness. I am confident, that all problems, which we encounter today, already there is in the bible. God accomplished his matter in the history, solving problems and our topical life. Because god is constant in his existence. He is always constant. From where god did appear? However, where he does go? It does not have not beginning, not finale. I by my reason cannot this understand. There is many questions, to which i do not have answer.
Only, that I know that the Christ entered by spirit his into my life. He changed my world view, and in this I find source and force for the solution of topical, everyday problems. By the way, this helps me, also, in my interrelations with its family. This helps me, also, in my interrelations with the dear wife. It helps me in my interrelations with the friends and in particular with you. I hope that I can consider itself your friend. This gives to me forces in the daily work. Therefore each morning, when I rise, I feel weakness and, I acknowledge, I cannot understand, as I will live this day. And in the prayer I turn myself to the god: “God, you must help me!”. And he helps me. He helps me. He gives to me [obetovanie], hope, happiness and peace. He does not promise to us wealth and the abundance in all. He tells us in the writing that each must bear its cross. Specifically, in this state, when it is necessary to bear this burden, it is ready to help us.

CEDARS. I share much in your words. We have the millennial tradition of the faith in Christ as into the highest personality. The same spoke Leo Tolstoy, this unique and brilliant our protestant. They removed it from the church, but precisely it woke up the religious Christian thought in Russia of the beginning of the 20th century, yes even in the entire world. Now we have again religious boom. Religion even it became mode. For this very reason I turn myself to you with this request. When all around ocean, sea, are desirable to find the island, to which it is possible to adhere. It is here in this sea of religious problems, that you consider it as the main thing for the contemporary person, who so agonizingly goes from the totalitarianism to the freedom. What words of Christ are very important?

Graham. It must say to you that Christ's study is very complex. But simultaneously it is simple. Because [Iisus] taught religious truths accessibly. That, what taught [Iisus], was accessible to children. Frequently simplicity Of [iisusa] is for us stumbling block. Because these words Of [iisusa] are intended personally for you as for the man. I must live each day of my life, paying attention to that which tells [Iisus] me in the heart my. And this consciousness gives happiness to me. That I survive, very personal for me.
I would want to say to all, that read these lines, what god - creator of the universe, that he loves directly you. And he wants to help you, the dear reader, in your personal life. Because each of us encounters incredible difficulties, problems and tasks. And very frequently we are simply incapable to solve same these problems and to overcome these difficulties. In Russia and in the entire world we encounter the same difficulties. Not only for you it is necessary to daily overcome them. Human nature is constant in the entire world.

@[temy]: [billi]_[gremm], [konstantin]_[kedrov]

god, [gremm], devil, the cedars



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