Valkyria s song
My liberty spirit is alone.
In my eyes only magical night,
And solder's souls for own.
We are virgins Valkyrias,
In our heart only silver and fire!
Our soul is a crystal of ice,
And passion for us is a big Liar...
I can’t live only for war.
I want to cry!
It hurts my soul more and more!
I can’t see a loving sky.
A war once more a war,
A clank of steel swords.
I know it is a cruel law,
And it is heard fight accords.
But I saw you in the fiery disaster,
A flash of wishes seize me.
But it was a joke of my master,
He knew that we can’t together be.
Valkyrias should be brutal,
Love is not our element.
Women for war are immortal,
This is our assignment.
Virgins we are Valkyrias.
We make a decision of issue of the war.
And we brings to Valhalla souls of the failed braved solders.
And we cant be weakness, it’s a law.
“And my heart became icy-cold,
And a hot tear became a slice of ice”
My soul is free and I know that we are the law,
And wins stay with me, on my destiny.
To make a decision issue of the war.
And only a little scar in my soul remained,
And even a fleeting love remaining memory forever...
Valkyrias, virgins, cruel goddesses.
Valkyrias, we are Valkyrias!
Without feelings this is our essence,
We are virgins Valkyrias…
Strength and disasters are our guides.
Свидетельство о публикации №111011300499
"Our soul is a crystal of ice" - одна душа на всех?
"And solder's souls for own." - пишется soldier-soldier's. + тут ДУШИ солдата? 1 душа. Soul.
"We are virgins Valkyrias" - валькирии-девственницы? Как фильм "Девственницы-самоубийцы?" Кстати, пишется VALKYRIES (valkyrie,) ну ладно, можно сказать, это подобие латыни, типа, окончание указывает на латинское происхождение.
"I can’t see a loving sky" - артикль лишний.
"We make a decision of issue of the war." - нельзя make decision (если и так, то с предлогом on) Of issue. Solve an issue.
"And we brings to Valhalla souls of the failed braved solders." - we (мы) уже bring, а не brings (3 л. ед.ч.) Braved - не braved, а brave. И, снова, не solders, а soldiers.
"And we cant be weakness, it’s a law" - be weak (слабые), а не weakness (слабость.)
"And a hot tear became a slice of ice" - slice of ice? ))) Это, типа, slice and dice of ice? )) Лёд нарезкой? ))
"And wins stay with me, on my destiny" - а где здесь подлежащее? И к чму относится глагол wins (3 л. ед.ч.)
"To make a decision issue of the war" - опять.
Боевые Колотушки 13.08.2011 20:48 Заявить о нарушении
Ирина Флёр 14.08.2011 00:47 Заявить о нарушении