Mobile dreams

Перевод на английский стихотворения Алана "Черновик со смайликами"

A drunk watchman - a yard joker
Gave me a mask on half of face.
I'm writind SMS again
From empty corners of my palace.

I'm playing a strange role
And do the things I'm told.
A joker ought to have a king
In different way he is a God.

The king sqeezes our his laughter again
And he begins to live alone.
It's magic sword in fairy-tales,
In life it's scythe in heavy stone.

If you would like I'll tell a joke
That soap is changed on many awls.
In iron heart lies as a layer
A golden snowman of your soul.

As unkind rumor, as very bad news
By rook the spring will be brought home.
If I some day will break a tin
For little time you will me warm.

Telegraph method is in honour again
And everything changes in our big world.
I would like to send SMS to the God
But I know that he is in another network.

In very big kindom of mobile dreams
Again we spend a lot of time.
I see how from our impressive words
Appear light letters in very long line.

I'm kissing fingers of your hand
On the canvas which's made of glass.
As gloomy smile - the king of line,
I am the king of your big eyes.
