Underneath the Warm Red Sun
The Black Sea is called “black”, although, usually the Black sea is blue and amicable. Sometimes, when the wind arrives from the North West, the sea becomes unrecognizable and truly black, like those black clouds that bring fierce wind, with them reflected in the waves of the sea. The sea is turbulent in the winter, but storms do occur in summer and are usually during late August. During this time, the weather changes from a hot summer to moderate fall weather.
Blue and Friendly Black Sea
Just now the month of August ends. Early in the morning I go to the beach. In good weather, the sea reflects the blue of the sky like a mirror. The sun appears from behind the mountains and long shadows of objects appear on the bed of the sandy beach. I see such a long shadow that looks like a giant. It becomes cooler and my body is covered with a wet film, but I feel good. I often exercise; jogging into the water, while allowing myself time to look around. Waves on the sea surface are almost absent. Only a few small little waves, that have height of one inch splashes, suddenly appear on the beach. My impression is that a fish with its tail disturb the water and creates the diverging waves. The air is clean, transparent, and it seems to ring with the cicadas in the trees that stand nearby. Seagulls wake on a beach. They look for remnants of food that people drop here accidentally. When seagulls have found some food, they continue walking along the water's edge, and occasionally scream loudly. Sharp blows of sound penetrate into my already gray head. I look at those white-winged birds; large and completely indifferent to humans. Seagulls fly upward suddenly, frightened when something suddenly disturbs their scavenging. With a noise they fly towards the sea, and then sit there in the water swaying like a light boat, resting in full safety, and never in a hurry. I start to write poetry:
Lazy waves of the free expanse,
On the sun, are playing with sand.
And Seagulls, the queen of the space,
Distant cries - beat up to my head.
Repeating the verses over and over again, I go to home. I hear live cicadas; see many trees, shrubs, and flowers that grow on the bank of the returning wall, keeping the water away from the beach. My attention is attracted to the magnolia tree. This tree was brought from southern countries; where it begins to bloom in the summer. The Magnolia is blossoming. It is a slightly scarlet, cretaceous, velvet flower with elegant lobe that catches the sun tired beam. Its juice is flavorfull, but is heady not to attract flies and bees. There is a hanging flower. It is real, but too late it beamed.
I walk past the Maritime Hotel. My house is close to this hotel, but I'm hiding from midday heat in a shady park that locates between homes by sea. In the evening I went to a theater show, and walked around the many parks of the city. The town stands on a hill with a height which shaves a great distance. City from the foothills - the green sand dunes from a distance, the evening will be blue. The white, eternal, youthful buildings look like satellites gleaming in the day.
The Storm on the Sea
Late at night I fall asleep in the sun-warmed room that has not had time to cool down during the long hot day, when the sun scorched the city with its rays from the beach. In the town, there is silence, although, I heard the honking of cars. Who else did not get to their house? I fall asleep but wake up from a steady drone, which carries me out of slumber. The sea cannot be interrupted for a second. From the north west of my window the wind is blowing freshh. Hence, a storm at sea is aroused. Since the weather is stormy. Coast Guard has announced today that there is a ban on swimming in the sea. I hurried to the shore to enjoy the sea, watching the raging elements. On the shore I see many people. Each is interesting to see how the water will spill over the high walls, which are set at a decent distance from the water line in a time of calm. Waves can easily migrate through the walls and throw wet pieces of wood and stones on the walkway. Splashes of salt water effusions touch careless people and those with shrieks and laughter run away to a safe place.
A Wide Strip of Foam
You know what in foam of a sea wave it is possible to choke? Do not know? And so listen to history which has occurred to me. I was not lost nearly when bathed in the sea during the storm. I have remained is alive but the impression was so strong that I remember many details of this case till now very vividly. It is instructive history and for other also.
It was many years back. I was young and dared. Also it is very self-confident. Once, when I lived at the Black sea, on the sea the storm was played. It was such whole gale which refers to as a storm in 9 points. Actually only one breaker from 10 can by the right be named by 9-th point’s breaker. It is the highest and the strongest breaker. The others it is less. The ninth (9) point’s breaker rises highly above sea level, goes to coast slowly, both somehow solemnly and terribly. The forward front of a wave becomes vertical, then abruptly breaks, overtaking a wave. With force and power, a breaker moves directly to coast and leaves from above a blanket of foam. The stream of water bears branches, stones, and seaweed and casts them ashore. Thus stones at the bottom of the sea rattle. If on a way of this stream of water there is any obstacle, the moving forwards wave with force hits about it and creates a fountain of splashes that sparkle on the sun and slowly falling downwards. The wind bears these sparks transformed into a sea dust far from coast. The sea smells as seaweed, and on lips salt settles. Then the wave crawls away in the sea, hissing as the snake, carrying away for itself stones, and sand, and washing away, and weakening the subsequent waves.
The people raised by such show, with curiosity watch terrible elements, not risking to approach close to water to not be it’s washed off streams. Only separate daredevils, having undressed, risk to plunge in water, catching up with leaving waves. But they get under impact abrupt moving forwards waves and are head over heels carried away to the coast, sometimes struck by stones or coast thrown on a bottom. And, at last, the most courageous and skilled break-head risk, having broken through a turn of waves to departure far from coast there, where waves are rolled as breaker to drive on the breakers. It is the skilled peoples which know customs of the sea. Departure afar that will take pleasure in terrible elements, they come back proud and happy under the admired sights walking along coast of public.
I have followed to their example. As the local resident for a long time lived on seacoast, I knew customs of the sea! Also was not afraid of it. But I did not know its all secrets! After the first biggest wave of 9-th breaker I have followed the departing wave, adjusted by her. Then, when send other waves, I have dived under them. At last I have swum away far, there, where waves look like sloping waves. Having taken pleasure in bathing, I have gone aside coast. But here I was expected with a surprise. I wished to come back together with smaller waves. But after the first big wave there was a current which carried away me from coast. The first (greatest) wave was broken about coast and left after itself a wide strip of foam. The height of this foam was such that the head disappeared in it completely. It was found out that it is impossible in this foam to breathe! I was rolled away back to wait, when foam will decrease. After that, all repeated from the beginning. I have started to lose forces. I was captured with a panic. But it was a shame to call to the aid. And who would dare to rescue me during such storm? Then in despair I have floated together with a wave of 9-th breaker. To my surprise, I have appeared on a high crest; the wave has picked up me and has thrown out me on the coast where I could become independent and resist to a return stream of water. Having left on firm coast, I tried to not look at other people. It was a shame to me to brag of such recklessness. At that time an Italian merchant ship lost control and sank 50 mile NW from this place. That time all has well terminated. But since then I do not afford such liberty (and to another I do not advise) to make advances to the sea when it outright lifts waves before 9-th points, capable to sink not only people, but also the ships.
What’s Sochi like?
It is the longest city in the world. It stretches along the coast of the Black Sea for more than 100 kilometers. The climate there is subtropical, and the water in the sea is warm from spring until autumn. There are lots of warm days, but the air is not as hot. The developed resort network and health services attract many people to Sochi for rest. The city of Sochi is the main Resort City of Russia. There are many hotels, sanatoriums, resorts, and outdoor camps. The sanatoriums are beautiful palaces that are architecturally very unique. Many people every year arrive to city of Sochi by sea, railway, automobiles, and planes. An international airport is outside of the city that can accept any planes from around the world. The buildings of the seaport and railway station are also architectural masterpieces. Shops, markets, bus service of the city assure perfect time for all who arrive to this sunny city. In city there are stadiums and educational institutions, museums and exhibitions, libraries and concert halls, parks and children's play grounds. Film-festivals, a variety of popular and symphonic concerts, conferences and scientific congresses are occurring regularly around the year. Near the city there are many pictures places and historical monuments. At the restaurants you get served local vegetables and fruit, and you can taste local honey.
Beautiful beaches are located on the coast. People enjoy sailing on many boats and yachts, flying on a parachute, swimming, and diving. The sea shines as if millions new gold coins are scattered on its blue surface. In the summer the sea is usually quiet. The small waves are lazy and strike the sand like a fish that jumps off the surface of the water. Early in the morning, when the guests are still asleep in the hotels, the fishermen come to catch fish. They stand patiently and wait for the fish to be caught. The sea grass smells like Iodine. But it is impossible found how many fish they have caught.
On the contrary in the park, the light-blue sky is visible through greens of foliage of different kinds of trees. There are shapely cypresses, which were brought from ancient Greece. There are shaggy palms, which came from the Middle East. Trees from the cold North also grow here such as mighty oak, and silver birch, and evergreen pine. There are lots of various bushes that names are unknown to me. Also there is a special botanical garden, in which the rare plants from all over the world grow. Everyone who comes in Sochi admires beauty design of a wild nature and well-kept parks.
In the evening the people go for a walk along the beaches on the boulevards. Some are dressed in a beach clothes, and some are already dressed for the night. An abundance of flowers of many bright colors and sweet smells grow at the large yellow pots. There are various entertainments for children and adults; disco clubs. Light music sounds from different directions. You can choose enjoy dancing outside. Small groups of young musician are playing popular melodies or are accompanying to singers. Next to orchestra, youth teenagers show their beautiful muscles under the different colors T-shot. On the beach front there are lots of cafes and restaurants. The teasing smell of barbecue is filling the air. The aromas of fried meat attract guests to have nice supper. From the nearby hotels guests have a view of the pink sunset and the ships gliding on the sea. Sometimes, the evening is illuminated by loud fireworks. And then comes the night, but the smells, voices, and sounds are still in the air. The night sounds of the nature join them. The bats noiselessly fly by crossing the light of stars. The round moon’s reflection on the smooth water is shining like many silver coins on the black, as a night, surface of sea.
In an hour, one can drive from the sea level up to the mountains where the white snow stays year around. There are ski lifts and expensive hotels for the fans of alpine skiing. Therefore, the 2014 Olympic Winter Games are going to be held in the city of Sochi. Now the city is preparing for this brilliant sports event, and it will become much better after that. Someone will come for the Olympics, while others will come to my hometown Sochi just to relax and get health charged after seeing the beauty and hospitality of this remarkable city that lies between the Black Sea and Caucasian Mountains underneath the warm red sun.
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