End of Business

Unfinished business was his curse,
No matter what he would endeavor.
And things were getting worse and worse,
As he could finish nothing, ever.

Unwatered plants, an unfed pet,
Unbought or unconstructed housing -
“As good as it would ever get”
Most of the time was pretty lousy.

Frustration bit into his pride
For all the work left unattended…
At last - last night - he simply died,
And then, at once, all business ended.

А я-то думаю - как бы мне разом все дела закончить!
Спасибо за подсказку! ))

Роман Морис   24.12.2010 15:34     Заявить о нарушении
*) всегда! *)

Азачем   24.12.2010 16:08   Заявить о нарушении