Last letter
And hatred to the world burned me.
Has already said goodbye to all friends.
On a syringe tip my freedom.
Same as you I was born on light,
Under the sky one with you years considered.
But have taken away a place on this planet
At those who so is strong about happiness dreamed.
We liked to live, without dreaming of glory,
About money and hundreds beautiful victories.
But you have considered what to live we haven't the right,
On our dreams imposing an interdiction.
You have taken away everything, from yourself postponing,
Freedom to love, trust, live and create.
To laugh at us of people forcing,
You knew that so aren't able to live.
On veins sweet weakness disperses,
Now for ever I will forget about you.
And with a white fog will cover suddenly pleasure:
All malicious has left, I am free now …
(Написана в соавторстве с Мистером Н Н)
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Алекс Ннова 21.07.2013 20:18 Заявить о нарушении