Heal your soul

Heal your soul
breath in the greatness
Just let go
your hesitations
on the surrender
of the pain
release its weight

You will feel, you will feel, you'll feel - love
You will find, you will find, you will find -peace

Don’t look back
what's done is over...
Now you are free
from past's control
So, go have
float out of fear
watch its harbor

Disattach, disattach, disattach from the pain
Disconnect, disconnect, disconnect from its chain

Even birth
is pain and chaos
But it produces
greatest love
Trust your soul,
embrace the changes.
is truly endless!

Let the current, the current, the current of peace
take you home, take u home, to your home - to the bliss

I immediately liked your interesting, thoughtful song, especially its last four lines! Wish you every success!

Best regards,

Валерий Шувалов   08.12.2010 11:39     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much, Valery. It's great to hear that someone likes it) I appreciate that a lot.
Best wishes,

Алёна Кареглазка   11.12.2010 08:04   Заявить о нарушении