I will be the first to strike

My dreams…
You were so sweet
And seemed to me
Be everything I need.
My  world…
You was so real,
Sometimes   better
Then ideal.
New friends…
 You were so kind
That   made me
Almost  blind.
My love
You was a fairytale
That   I was ready
go to jail.
My beauty
You ARE  of that kind
That  makes men
Always bear me  in  mind.
You were so clear
That  I couldn’t held
my  tears
My mind
You were like in a fog
That still I feel
Disgusting smoke
My life
Still I believe
You treat me well
At last I know what should retrieve
From my  mind and send to Hell
My thoughts
You were so pure
That seemed to have bad part
I am sure…
Still I am alive
And have my beauty
What  gives me drive
in my happy future
Once I was told
;;you had to  suffer a bit
For  in the long run having all
You need ;;
And actually  I did…

Nobody gave me a hand
But suffers came to end
And made me strong
I have been waiting very long
The time of luck
And since today  I'll always be the first to strike
