And wait for a new day to start

Red sun's descending to a grass,
Oh, let it find a place to sleep.
The night lies fallen like a glass-
A shattered mirror of eclipse.

It breaths so sorrowfully now,
Shrowded in crimson or jet-black or blue.
But princess, please don't look above.
It's time to sleep for a lady like you.

Lie down and feel the moonlight.
Smell the scent of lunar dust,
When it colours your room so bright,
And hear the bluebells ringing fast.

Please lie among the blankets
And a pile of silky pillows.
Listen to a silent hustle
Of ghosts hidden in the willows.

A jet-black cat will sing you songs,
Approaching with a velvet gait.
Let him spring and walk along
This lofty underworld's gate.

A nightdream's a consolation,
A quest for a dreaming heart.
In sleep you seek salvation,
And wait for a new day to start.
