There is no solution

There is no solution.
I don’t pay attention to any conclusion.
I want to be happy in this cruel world
Where everyone can be easily sold.

My soul wasn’t sold, it is still alive.
Though, every day "I go under the knife".
I’m happy when I feel something new…
And every day I dream I’ll be with you.

Анастасии Ерёминой

I hope your purest dream came true...but, please, don't ever think that knife- is a solution, it's a mistake.
Wish you to be happy

Софи Адлер   02.12.2010 23:40     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you). But "Going under the knife" means to be in a risky situation... It is Punk's metaphor)) I've never thought about a suicide! From my point of view, it's rather stupid.

Антон Мельников 3   02.12.2010 23:49   Заявить о нарушении
Your point of view is the only right, although many people think differently...unfortunately.

Софи Адлер   04.12.2010 21:31   Заявить о нарушении