Near the sea channel to the Sky sustainable

Near the sea channel to the Sky sustainable -
God's thoughts are knocking insistently
At the gate of my consciousness
And the sense of universal knowledge
Comes as a nirvana.

I sit on the couch
At the edge of the sea,
Gulls frolic in the open,
Music from three sides,
And I am in fact an outsider -
Through the environment solar
I see my future secure.

Previously would have understood -
In Sochi, would have lived,
This, as with the cards given,
And now, on a boat offshore
Swim to the "Nest of a swallow."
Amenhotep would have said - Onaksonamun!

God's thoughts are knocking insistently -
Near the sea channel from heaven stable!

5.11.10. Yalta Paradiso.
